Thursday, October 31, 2019

Comparing and contrasting the Epic of Gilgamesh and Genesis 1-11 Essay

Comparing and contrasting the Epic of Gilgamesh and Genesis 1-11 (Religious Studies) - Essay Example Many people are telling that the flood in Gilgamesh is the same with the flood in Genesis. Definitely, it is not. The God in Genesis is not the same as the Mesopotamian deities. Understanding this fact give us a clear view point of a concrete difference between both accounts. Considering that there might be some similarities in the flow of the story however, the mere authority whom both accounts recognize builds a definite margin line that establishes their differences. Many people most especially those who devote themselves in religious and historical literature know the famous story about the great flood that can be found both in the Book of Genesis and of the Mesopotamian Gilgamesh. The stories are very much the same, however making a close comparison about details showed that they are very different. The God in Genesis is also more reasonable than that of the Mesopotamian gods. Understanding what has been the reason for flood will give us the clear idea of the differences of the character of the God in Genesis and of the Mesopotamian gods. The biblical account showed that God has seen how people have turned wicked. It has never been the will of the God of the Bible that man will stay wicked and will be unpunished. Because of that he decided to save Noah and his family from those evil people and the way by which it could be done is through the flood. The mere reason for that flood is to end the wicked generation that God of the Bible has seen existing during the time of Noah. On the contrary, the main reason why the gods in Gilgamesh caused the flood is because of the noise that the people create. The gods decided for a flood simply because they can not sleep (Gilgamesh 12). The unanimous decision of gods is to cause a flood and to make no any man survived. Ea who created man does not want it to happen. Meaning, we could even see misunderstanding in their mythical gods that mostly resembles human character. But through a dream, the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Minerals and How We Use Them Essay Example for Free

Minerals and How We Use Them Essay Elements combine together to form different minerals and minerals combine to form rocks. There are 92 naturally occurring elements and with exception of a few inert elements like Gold, Platinum etc. , they combine together to form as many as 4000 minerals. Out of this large number of minerals only about two dozens are common (constitutes ~ 99% of Earth crust) and these are composed of about a dozen elements. These rock forming elements can be classified in five groups – silicates, carbonates, oxides and sulfates. In following sections we will briefly describe these minerals, their formation and usage. Silicates: Silicon is the 2nd most abundant element next to oxygen on the Earth crust. It combines with oxygen to form a tetragonal compound, SiO2, which combines together to form a large tetragonal structure. Besides, SiO2 combines with other metal oxides, to form their silicates. Some examples of common silicates are Olivine, Pyroxene, Amphibole, Micas, Feldspar etc. Carbonates: Carbonates CO32- are linear molecules consisting of carbon and oxygen. These ions are arranged in the form of sheet in minerals like Calcite and Dolomite. Oxides: Metals react with oxygen to form their oxides. Some important oxide minerals are Hematite (Fe2O3), Magnetite (Fe3O4), Chromite (Cr2O3), Cassiterite (SnO2) etc. Sulfides: These are metal-sulfur compounds. Some important sulfide compounds are known as Pyrites like Chalcopyrite, Fools Gold etc. These minerals have metallic luster. Sulfates: These are composed of metal ions and sulfate ions (SO42-). These minerals have practically no ore value to the date. However, these are used as compounds. One important sulfate mineral is Gypsum (CaSO4. 2H2O). Mineral Formation: Minerals form by crystallization and growth in a liquid. The liquid can be either a molten rock or an aqueous solution. When temperature of a molten rock or magma falls below freezing point of a mineral, the mineral crystallizes. Minerals do not have a sharp freezing point; instead they solidify over a range, depending on their composition. The first to solidify is the one having highest solidification point and this is Quartz, subsequently other metal silicates solidify. Minerals solidifying towards the end have lowest solidification point. Besides, minerals crystallize in aqueous solution as well. This happens when an aqueous solution having minerals at some temperature, becomes supersaturated due to change in temperature (generally cooling, but sometimes heating as well). In case of mineral precipitation from an aqueous solution, what is important is solubility and not the melting point of the mineral Properties of Mineral: Minerals are characterized by some of their unique properties like Crystal form, Hardness, Cleavage and Fracture, Color, Specific Gravity etc. crystal form of a mineral depends on the internal arrangement of the constituent atoms / ions. This leads to well developed faces of the crystal and is a very important clue of crystal identification. Hardness of a mineral depends on the bond strength of the constituent atoms / ions. It is measured on Mohs scale (1 to 10). Higher Mohs value implies higher hardness; 10 is for diamond and 1 for talc. Color: Color of a mineral depends on its chemical composition, structure and also on impurity content. This is also an important clue for mineral identification. Specific Gravity: This is a very important property of minerals and difference in specific gravity is utilized for mineral separation. Usages of Mineral: We use minerals in many different ways. These are used as such for example, sand as construction material, Limestone for making cement, Gypsum for making Plaster of Paris etc. Besides, metals, the backbone of today’s civilization, are extracted from their respective minerals. Some examples are Iron from hematite / magnetite, Copper from chalcopyrite, Uranium from uranite etc. Thus we can conclude that minerals are invaluable to us. Chapter 26: Rocks Rocks are the building block of the Earth crust. Therefore, we encounter rocks everywhere. The study of rocks is important as they give us clue of the geological past of the Earth, besides they contain in them minerals, which have great value for us. The Earth can be viewed as the churning ground for rocks, where rocks keep forming and changing their forms. Based on origin, rocks are classified in three categories – Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic. In subsequent paragraphs we will discuss briefly about these rocks. Igneous Rock: These are formed by solidification of magma. Magma is molten rock, which comes out from within the Earth crust during volcanic eruptions. It is useful to know formation of magma. As we go down the Earth Crust, its temperature rises at a rate of ~ 30 oC per kilometer. Thus at a sufficient depth, temperature of the rock is well above their melting point, but the rock is still solid due to the overhead pressure by the rocks above it. But due to tectonic movements, sometimes a hot solid rock moves up where pressure is less that needed to keep it solid, and then it melts and the molten magma rises above through cracks. The rising magma further reduces the pressure on it and causes formation of more magma. Also, sometimes, water comes in contact with hot rock through some cracks and water being foreign body or impurity, reduces melting point of the rock, which melts and thus magma is produced. The magma rises up through cracks and heats and melts the rocks in the way and thus creates more magma. The rising magma cools and solidifies and thus igneous rocks are formed. If the magma comes out of Earth’s surface (it is known as Lava) and solidifies then what is formed is Extrusive Rock, an important example is Basalt, which is low silica fast moving magma. If the magma solidifies within the ground itself, then what forms is Intrusive Rock or Plutons, an example is a Dike. Sedimentary Rocks: Weathering of rocks leads to formation of smaller fragments of rocks. This process can be either mechanical or chemical. The weathered rocks erode i. e. they are transported away to a new location by carrier agents like flowing water and wind. During transportation also, these fragments collide with each other and gets smoothened. When the carrying ability of these agents weakens, these fragments settle at those locations. The process continues and new lays keep depositing. The underlying layer is compressed by the top layers and densifies and thus is formed a layered Rock structure, known as sedimentary rock. If the sediments are composed of small rock fragments, this is called Clastic, while those formed by chemical precipitation are called chemical sediments. Clastic sedimentary rocks are classified according to their constituent particle sizes. Fine seiments are clay, silt and sand and they form rocks like Mudstone Shale, Siltstone and Sandstone respectively. Coarse sediments are pebble, cobble and boulder and they form Conglomerates. Chemical sedimentary rocks are formed by precipitation from supersaturated aqueous solutions. Some examples of chemical sedimentary rocks are Limestone, Dolomite, and halites; halites are formed by evaporation of lakes or seawater. Many fossils are preserved in the sedimentary rocks and they give clues to the life in past. Metamorphic rocks When a rock mass – igneous as well as sedimentary, is brought in a region (by natural process) where temperature and or pressure is too high for existence of the rock, then is changes its form and the process is termed metamorphism (change in shape) and the resulting rock is metamorphic rock. The metamorphism can be brought about by recrystallization or mechanical deformation. Some examples of metamorphic rocks are Granite (from lime stone), Diamond (from coal or graphite), etc. Rock cycle refers to a cycle through which these rocks – igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic, keep changing into each other by the different forces of Nature. Chapter 28: Occurrence and Movement of Water Life evolved on the Earth in water (oceans) and water is essential for life. More than 70% of Earth’s surface is covered with water. Therefore, it is important to understand about this precious material and its cycle. Hydrological cycle refers to the chain of processes through which water moves from different forms (ice, water and water vapor) and different reservoirs (oceans, rivers, glaciers) etc. , while its amount remains more or less constant between different forms and reservoirs. About 97% of Earth’s water is in Oceans which covers more than 70% of Earths surface. About 2% is locked in polar icecaps and glaciers and remaining less than 1% is distributed between water vapors, ground water, rivers and lakes. The process of evaporation moves water from oceans into the atmosphere as water vapor, approximately 75% of which rains back into the oceans and thus hydrological water cycle is complete for the 75% of the water vapors. Remaining 25% rains on the ground and thus the water cycle gets is prolonged. Because, the water falling on ground is distributed among ground water, river water, glaciers, lakes etc. In subsequent paragraphs we will discuss briefly about these reservoirs. Ground Water About 98. 5% of fresh waters stay beneath the ground in the pores, in the form of Ground water and soil moisture. Beneath the ground, there is a region where all the pores are filled completely with water. This region is called saturated zone. Above this zone and up to the Earth’s surface there exists unsaturated zone or a zone where the pores are partially filled with water and air. The amount of rainwater that can be absorbed as ground water depends on the nature of the soil i. e. how porous or dense it is. While porous soil absorbs more of rainwater, the dense rocks and soil absorb less of it and let remaining flow as rivers. The water table refers to the level which demarcates the saturated and unsaturated zones. The water table is not having a flat profile rather it is having a profile of its own. Therefore, water is not stationery in saturated zone; rather it flows under pressure head. The water bearing underground regions where water can flow is known as Aquifers. The flow rate of water through an Aquifer depends on hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer and the hydraulic head. The aquifers are of two types – unconstrained and constrained. In unconstrained aquifer, the sediment over the water table is permeable and allows recharge of aquifer. In confined aquifer, the aquifer is confined between impermeable rocks. In such aquifers recharge is not from directly above rather the recharge zone is in the unconfined region at a higher elevation. In such aquifers, we have Artesian wells and Artesian springs. Streams are flowing surface water like rivers. They receive water from rains as well as from melting of glacier and transport the same into oceans or sometimes into large lakes. The stream speed depends on stream gradient, stream discharge and channel geometry. The stream gradient is largest near the head and here the channel shape is generally V-shaped and stream speed is very high. As the stream proceeds towards moth, the stream gradient decreases and therefore, stream speed also decreases and the channel geometry becomes wide and shallow. Drainage basin refers to a network of streams which receives all the rain water in that geographical region and carries it to the oceans. Glaciers are large masses of ice, which move under their own weight due to plastic deformation as well as melting of ice under pressure. A glacier accumulates during winter and it ablates into water by moving down to warmer elevations, where it melts. Glaciers are the origin of the famous river basins which have water through out the year. The oceans are the largest water mass having more than 97% of water on the Earth. The average depth of oceans is 3800 meters much larger than the average height of the mainland (~800) above the mean sea level. The boundary between the continents and the oceans is called Continental margin. This consists of continental shelf (the submerged portion of the margin) and continental slope and a continental rise. Waves are produced in oceans due to the wind and these waves superimpose with each other and create different patterns.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Maternity Leave Benefits

The Maternity Leave Benefits The governments of every high-income economy in the world take measures to support parents in their efforts to care for newborn children. These policies reflect the national interest in promoting the health and well-being of infants and young children as well as societys recognition that the first months and years of a childs life require substantial and sustained attention from parents. THE LEGAL BACKGROUND OF MATERNITY LEAVE BENEFITS IN THE PHILIPPINES The words of the law itself, as guaranteed and embodied in no less than the highest and fundamental law of the land, affords utmost protection and safety to women, taking into high consideration their maternal functions. The exact provision avowingto such intention can be found in Article XIII, Section 14 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution  [2]  , which states that: Section 14. The State shall protect working women by providing safe and healthful working conditions, taking into account their maternal functions, and such facilities and opportunities that will enhance their welfare and enable them to realize their full potential in the service of the nation. Such intent of the law is further reiterated and emphasized in the provisions of Article 133 of the Labor Code of the Philippines as it expressly recognizes the need for, and grants to women employees Maternity Leave Benefits. The exact provisions of said Article 133 are as follows: ART. 133. Maternity leave benefits.  [3]   Every employer shall grant to any pregnant woman employee who has rendered an aggregate service of at least six (6) months for the last twelve (12) months, maternity leave of at least two (2) weeks prior to the expected date of delivery and another four (4) weeks after normal delivery or abortion with full pay based on her regular or average weekly wages. The employer may require from any woman employee applying for maternity leave the production of a medical certificate stating that delivery will probably take place within two weeks. The maternity leave shall be extended without pay on account of illness medically certified to arise out of the pregnancy, delivery, abortion or miscarriage, which renders the woman unfit for work, unless she has earned unused leave credits from which such extended leave may be charged. The maternity leave provided in this Article shall be paid by the employer only for the first four (4) deliveries by a woman employee after the effectivity of this Code. Another statutory provision which further upholds the governments intent in providing women employees certain benefits in relation to the exercise of their maternal functions is Section 14-A of Republic Act No. 1161 (An Act to Create a Social Security System Providing Sickness, Unemployment, Retirement, Disability and Death Benefits for Employees), better known as the Social Security Law. It more specifically provides for the conditions on how such benefits can be availed of. Section 14-A. Maternity Leave Benefit.  [4]   A covered female employee who has paid at least three monthly maternity contributions in the twelve-month period preceding the semester of her childbirth, abortion, or miscarriage and who is currently employed shall be paid a daily maternity benefit equivalent to one hundred per cent of her present basic salary, allowances and other benefits or the cash equivalents of such benefits for sixty days subject to the following conditions: That the employee shall have notified her employer of her pregnancy and the probable date of her childbirth which notice shall be transmitted to the SSS in accordance with the rules and regulations it may provide; That the payment shall be advanced by the employer in two equal installments within thirty days from the filing of the maternity leave application; That in case of caesarean delivery, the employees shall be paid the daily maternity benefit for seventy-eight days; That payment of daily maternity benefits shall be a bar to the recovery of sickness benefits provided by this Act for the same compensable period of sixty days for the same childbirth, abortion, or miscarriage; That the maternity benefits provided under this section shall be paid only for the first four deliveries after March 13, 1973; That the SSS shall immediately reimburse the employer of one hundred per cent of the amount of maternity benefits advanced to the employee by the employer upon receipt of satisfactory proof of such payment and legality thereof; and That if an employee should give birth or suffer abortion or miscarriage without the required contributions having been remitted for her by her employer to the SSS, or without the latter having been previously notified by the employer of time of the pregnancy, the employer shall pay to the SSS damages equivalent to the benefits which said employee would otherwise have been entitled to, and the SSS shall in turn pay such amount to the employee concerned. The aforementioned provision was amended in the year 1992 by Republic Act No. 7322 entitled, An Act Increasing Maternity Benefits in Favor of Women Workers in the Private Sector, Amending for the Purpose Section 14-A of Republic Act No. 1161, as Amended, and for Other Purposes. The exact words of the law as taken from the said statute are as follows: SEC. 14-A. Maternity Leave Benefit.  [5]  -A covered female employee who has paid at least three monthly maternity contributions in the twelve-month period preceding the semester of her childbirth, abortion or miscarriage and who is currently employed shall be paid a daily maternity benefit equivalent to one hundred percent (100%) of her present basic salary, allowances and other benefits or the cash equivalent of such benefits for sixty (60) days subject to the following conditions: That the employee shall have notified her employer of her pregnancy and the probable date of her childbirth which notice shall be transmitted to the SSS in accordance with the rules and regulations it may provide; That the payment shall be advanced by the employer in two equal installments within thirty (30) days from the filing of the maternity leave application: That in case of caesarean delivery, the employee shall be paid the daily maternity benefit for seventy-eight (78) days; That payment of daily maternity benefits shall be a bar to the recovery of sickness benefits provided by this Act for the same compensable period of sixty (60) days for the same childbirth, abortion, or miscarriage; That the maternity benefits provided under this Section shall be paid only for the first four deliveries after March 13, 1973; That the SSS shall immediately reimburse the employer of one hundred percent (100%) of the amount of maternity benefits advanced to the employee by the employer upon receipt of satisfactory proof of such payment and legality thereof; and That if an employee should give birth or suffer abortion or miscarriage without the required contributions having been remitted for her by her employer to the SSS, or without the latter having been previously notified by the employer of the time of the pregnancy, the employer shall pay to the SSS damages equivalent to the benefits which said employee would otherwise have been entitled to, and the SSS shall in turn pay such amount to the employee concerned. It is necessary to point out that the maternity leave benefits granted in the aforementioned provisions are applicable only to women employees working in the private sectors. The proper and applicable statutory basis for maternity leave benefits granted to employees of the public sector is Commonwealth Act No. 647.  [6]  Such act which provides the female workforce employed in public and government offices and agencies with benefits similar to those employed in the private sector explicitly states that: SECTION 1. Married women who are permanently or temporarily appointed in the service of the Government, or in any of its branches, subdivisions, agencies, or instrumentalities, including the corporations and enterprises owned or controlled by the Government, shall, in addition to the vacation and sick leave which they may enjoy now, be entitled in case of pregnancy to a maternity leave of sixty (60) days subject to the following conditions: Permanent and regular employees who have rendered two or more years of continuous service shall be entitled to maternity leave with full pay; Permanent and regular employees who have rendered less than two years of continuous service, shall be entitled to half pay; and, Temporary employees shall be entitled to maternity leave without pay and shall be readmitted to the service at the end of their leave. No employee shall be refused readmission to the service on the ground of absence on account of maternity Awarding such benefits to women employees is unmistakably a considerate and sympathetic initiative of the Philippine government. However, there might be a necessity to look into the sufficiency of the sixty (60) days and seventy-eight (78) days of leave, periods of time for which the law providessuch leave benefit. In determining the adequacy of leave duration, it is but basic to consider (a) how long thebody needs to fully recover from delivery, either through a normal vaginal delivery or through a Caesarean birth considering that it is free from complications; and, (b) the motherly needs of a new bornchild immediately after birth. THE MODES OF CHILDBIRTH Normal Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery (NSVD) is the most common and safest mode of child delivery. It is the process wherein fetal expulsion is accomplished when the baby passes through and out of the vaginal canal. It usually requires minimal medical intervention as it is the normal and natural method that humans deliver an offspring. Naturally, due to factors such as uterine muscle stretching, hormonal changes, and placental age, the uterus is stimulated and begins to contract. Also, the babys head which puts direct pressure on the cervix causes its effacement and dilatation the process by which the cervix shortens in length and thins out while enlarging or widening the opening of the cervical canal. With the subsequent intermittent contractions of the uterus and the effacement and dilatation of the cervix, together with frequentfetalposition changes to keep the smallest diameter of the fetal head always presenting to the smallest diameter of the maternal pelvis, and with the natura l pull of gravity as well, the fetus is propelled through the birth canal and out of the mothers system.  [7]  However, in some instances and due to some abnormalities in the dynamics of childbirth, the fetus cannot efficiently and effectively propel itself out of the birth canal. In such cases, the use of assistive devices such as a vacuum or forceps is necessary to guide and draw out the child from the mothers womb safely.  [8]   It is not in all instances that a vaginal delivery or childbirth is possible. Some occurrences necessitate and require the assumption of alternative methods of childbirth. Problematic occurrences such as,(a) multiple gestation; (b)unusual fetal position and presentation in relation to the vaginal passage; (c) cephalopelvic disproportion -either the fetus is too big for the maternal passage, or the diameter of the maternal pelvic, cervical, or vaginal opening is too small for the fetus to pass;(d)a dysfunctional labor such as an ineffective uterine contraction force, uncoordinated contractions, uterine rupture, or inversion of the uterus;(e) anomalies of the placenta or the umbilical cord such as placenta succenturiata, placenta circumvallata, vasa previa, the prolapse of the umbilical cord, the presence of a two-vessel cord, and an unusual umbilical cord length; or (f) an emergency situation causing severe fetaldistress, prohibit the fetus from being born safely and normally through a vaginal delivery and are thus, among the reasons for which such alternative options need to be implemented.  [9]   A Caesarean delivery or birth is the most common alternative intervention medically advised when a Normal Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery is gravely hazardous and threatening to the mother or the child, or both. This method can also be voluntarily selected by women who do not want to go through the pain and discomfort of the normal processes oflabor and subsequently, childbirth. Caesarean Delivery is the mode of birth accomplished through an abdominal incision into the uterus. It is always slightly more hazardous than vaginal birth. But, rest assured, it is one of the safest types of surgeries and among those with few complications.  [10]  A Caesarean Section (CS) surgery is accomplished by making an incision on the abdominal area which cuts open the uterus and allow for the child to be drawn out of the mothers body. As opposed to a normal vaginal delivery where the medical team waits for the natural expulsion of the placenta, the procedure of Caesarean birth includes the manual rem oval of the placenta. Afterwhich, the internal cavity of the uterus is inspected and the membrane fragments, together withcoagulated blood components and other foreign matters are taken out before the incision is closed. The healing period of this surgical procedure is dependent on several factors including the womans general health condition, her age, nutritional status and fluid and electrolyte balance. However, a major determining aspect is the type of incision made during the operation. A Caesarean section is done by performing either a classic caesarean incision (vertical incision) or a low segment incision (transverse incision, also known as the bikini cut). Between the two aforementioned incisions, the latter is more preferred as it cuts through the non-active portion of the uterine muscle, thus, it allows for a subsequent vaginal birth of future pregnancies. Another advantage of the low segment cut is its faster healing time than a classic incision, and a decreased risk for post-delivery complications.  [11]  Due to its being surgical in nature, a Caesarean birth method usually necessitates more attention and takes a longer recovery period than that of a vaginal delivery. The postpartum, peurperium, or post-partal periodis the time after the delivery of the new born up to the full recovery of the mother wherein psychological and physiological changes occur to restore the womans mind and body to its pre-pregnant state. This progression is applicable to both vaginal delivery and Caesarean birth methods. Physiological changes in the post-partal period relate both specifically to the reproductive system and to the systemic physical condition as well. In the post-partal phase the uterus shrinks and reverts to its approximate pre-pregnancy size and position, the inner membranes and uterine lining slough off and develop into the discharge of lochia a vaginal excretion composed of blood, membrane fragments and mucus, the cervix and the vagina contract and revert to its pre-pregnancy size and diameter. All these events are encompassed in the course of involution, the hallmark process of the postpartum period. Together with involution, changes in the hormonal, circulatory, urinary, gastrointestinal, and integumentary systems also occur to entirely bring back the womans pre-pregnancy physiologic condition.In general, the immediate post-partal period for both vaginal and Caesarean modes of delivery ranges from six (6)to eight (8) weeks or more, putting into consideration that the mother does not develop any postpartum complications. Though, it must be emphasized that a womans body is not fully restored to its pre-pregnant physiology until six (6) moths after delivery.  [12]   NEEDS OF A NEW BORN CHILD During the labor and delivery process, the focus and attention fully belongs to the mother, the childbearer. Conversely, after the delivery process, such focus and attention is shifted to the new born child. Newborns undergo profound physiologic changes at the moment of birth as they are released from a warm, snug, dark, liquid-filled environment that has met all of their basic needs into a chilly, unbounded, brightly lit, gravity-based, outside world.  [13]  As the child is incapable of providing its needs, it becomes fully dependent on the caregiver who, in most instances, is the mother. In viewing the new born holistically, such needs can be classified into two categories the physiologic and the psychological necessities. Encompassed in the new born childs physical needs is: (a)the imperative need for breastfeeding -it is universally agreed that breast milk is the preferred methodof feeding a new born because it provides numerous health benefits to both the mother and the child, unless there are existing contraindications such as infant galactosemia, herpes lesions on the mothers nipples, maternal exposure to radioactive compounds, breast cancer, maternal active and untreated tuberculosis, hepatitis B or C, etc.; (b) the adherence to a feeding-on-demand scheme a new born child should be fed anytime, most preferably breastfed, whenever such is demanded; (c) the observance of a consistent sleeping pattern a newborn sleeps an average of sixteen (16) of every twenty-four (24)hours, an average of 4 hours at a time; (d) maintenance of a proper sleeping position a newborn should be positioned on theback for sleep as this has shown to decrease the incidence of the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), asudd en, unexplained death of an infant younger than 1 year of age; (e) on-time vaccination and screening tests; and, (f) proper diaper area care proper diaper area care and preventing diaper dermatitis is a practice that parents usually tend to neglect. Another aspect of the new born childs needs is the psychological part. According to a study aided by the UNICEF, between the ages of zero and five years, critical aspects of childrens physical, cognitive, emotional, social and spiritual developments take place. The events which take place in a childs early life can impact upon their development over the rest of their lifespan.  [14]  A new born childs psychological needs are just as important as the physical ones. Babies need touch and attention from their caregivers to thrive. Cuddling, singing, talking and reading to the baby are all ways to cement the bond between newborn and caregivers. Letting a newborn know he is loved will help him grow into a secure child.  [15]  Erik Erikson, one of the pillar theorists of Psychology, identified the eight (8) stages of Psychosocial Development that a person goes through from birth to death. Stage one (1) of which involves the psychological developmental conflict of a newborn from bir th to one (1) year, and this is trust versus mistrust. According to Erikson, the baby will develop a sense of trust only if the parent or caregiver isresponsive and consistent with the basic needs being met.Babies who are not securely attached to their mothers are less cooperativeand are more aggressive in their interactions. And as they growolder, they become less competent and sympathetic with peers. They also tend to exploretheir environment with less enthusiasm and persistence.  [16]   Evidently, the aforementioned needs of a new born child entail a structured play of events which progress from the moment of birth. It is logical to infer that it takes a much longer period of time when the crucial mother-child interaction is considered than it takes plainly for the recovery from the labor and delivery processes. MATERNITY LEAVE BENEFITS IN OTHER COUNTRIES For purposes of comparison, the Huffington Post Canada shows a chart which indicates the duration of time for which the government of other countries grant maternity leave benefits to women employees.  [17]   The United Nations, as an international organization not subject to the jurisdiction of any single country, have their own legislation on granting maternity leave benefits. According to its Administrative Instruction  [18]  on such matter, an expectant mother shall be entitled to sixteen (16) weeks of paid leave benefit. Six (6) weeks of which is the pre-delivery leave and the remaining ten (10) weeks as post-delivery leave. A shorter period of pre-delivery leave may be granted at the request of the concerned staff member on the basis of a certification from a licensed medical practitioner. However, she shall not be allowed a post-delivery leave of less than ten (10) weeks. As in the case of the United States of America, there is no federal law which specifically grants women employees such paid maternity leave benefits. Instead, what exists is the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) which provides certain employees, subject to certain eligibility conditions, with up to twelve (12) weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave per year for the following reasons: (a) for the birth and care of the new born child; (b) for the placement with the employee of a child for adoption or foster care; (c) to care for an immediate family member (spouse, child, or parent) with a serious health condition; or, (d) to take medical leave when the employee is unable to work because of a serious health condition.  [19]  However, according to a report of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, a large share of working parents is either not covered or not eligible for leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act.  [20]  The same report stated that, the United Sta tes has the least generous parental leave policies among the twenty-one (21) high-income countries studied countries included aside from the United States were Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. That, with the exception of only a handful of states, the U.S. law provides no rights and benefits to paid parental leave. In a much closer view, the fellow-Asian countries of the Philippines, except for a few, have also adopted and appreciated the significance of a longer duration of maternal leave. CONS AND PROS OF LEAVE EXTENSION To fairly appraise the necessity of extending the duration of maternity leave in the Philippines, here are a few grounds for which one may argue on why or why not such an appeal should or should not be granted. Some of the contentions aimed against an extended maternity leave as cited by the National Network for Child Care, are: (a) companies may find it costly to pay such employee while holding the job position open for a long period of time there will be an imbalance in the money paid to the person on maternity leave with the amount of work she has provided; (b) possibility of lesser work opportunities for women with a lengthier duration of maternity leave, companies may favor a more homogenous profile of male workers as undoubtedly, there would be minimal occurrences for excusable and compensable work interruptions; and, (c) there might exist a conflict between expectant mothers and non-parent employees the duties and responsibilities, dependent on the position left behind by the employee on leave, needs to be filled in by another worker for the effective and efficient operation of the company, such situation may imbue in the minds of the non-parents an inequity and unfairness in the grant of benefits.  [21]   On the other hand, the obvious advantages of extending the duration of paid maternity leave are as follows: (a) it affords ample time for the full recovery of the mother, especially those who have undergone a Caesarean delivery; (b) it reduces unnecessary stress as the employee adjusts to her role as a parent this supports the contention that such employee will return to work free from the tension and troubles of motherhood; (c) it allows for the fulfilment of maternal responsibilities in response to the physical needs of the new born it is a principle of human nature that there is no better person to provide care and attention to a child than the mother herself ; (d) it promotes mother-child bonding and attachment for purposes of satisfying the psychosocial needs of the new born.  [22]   A MOVE FOR THE EXTENSION OF MATERNITY LEAVE BENEFITS With the details and specifics aforecited, it appears that there is indeed a need to extend the 60-day and 78-day durations of maternity leave benefits granted to Filipino women employees. An extension of 10 days each would be adequate to apportion a reasonable time allowance and ensure that once the employee resumes work, she is a hundred percent ready and prepared, thus, assuring a more effective, efficient and competent performance. This would constitute aseventy (70)-day leave period for normal vaginal delivery instead of 60 days, and aneighty-eight (88)-day leave duration for those who had a Caesarean delivery. Such contention is based on the following grounds: (a) the 60-day period granted for those who have undergone a normal delivery is insufficient so as to enable the mother to completely recover from the effects of the birthing process before getting back to work; (b) the 78-day period granted for those who have undergone Caesarean birth is gravely insufficient as such is b oth a birthing process and a surgical procedure, it requires a much longer healing time; (c) that a longer leave duration would greatly advance the benefits afforded to the youngest generation of the country in terms of their physical and psychosocial development; and, (d) that the Philippines, as a country, has long been left behind by other nations in realizing the pressing need for a longer maternity leave. It seems as though such need has actually been recognized by the members of the Philippine Congress as evidenced by the passing of House Bill No. 3973, also known as An Act Increasing Maternity Leave Benefits from 60 Days to 120 Days or Four Months. Such House Bill was initiated by Liza Maza and LuzvimindaIlagan, representatives of the General Assembly Binding Women for Reforms, Integrity, Equality, Leadership, and Action (GABRIELA) Partylist. House Representative LuzvimindaIlagan said that, Extending the period for maternity leave will not only give mothers the opportunity to fully recover, it will also give them the chance to breastfeed infants during the first four months. She also added that, the proposed legislation would also help address the maternal and infant mortality rates in the country.  [23]   Such matters regarding the definite and suitable length of time for which maternity leave benefits should be granted are, as of the moment, still left hanging and undecided. Thus, it is entirely within the control of the Philippine Legislature to resolve such concerns, in the effort of balancing and equalizing the interests of the concerned employee and the employers, for the greater benefit of the general public.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Rates of Reaction - The concentration of hydrochloric acid and the rate of reaction with sodium theosulphate :: GCSE Chemistry Coursework Investigation

Rate of Reaction After doing my pilot run, i think that my method and apparatus used should be mostly the same: Apparatus - 1 conical flask - 1 lamenated 'x' - 3 test tubes - 1 thermometer - 1 stop watch - 3 pipettes Method: 1. Measure 10ml of 0.2mol/dm3 or 0.2moldm-3 sodium thiosulphate 2. Pour it into the conical flask 3. Add 40ml of distilled water for dillution. 4. Then add 5cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid of concentration 2mol/dm3 at room temperature 5. Record the temperature of the mixture. Stir mixture gently. 6. Stir mixture gently 7. Start time when all is stirred and when the conical flask is over the 'X' paper. 8. Once the cross is completely out of sight due to the reactionof the sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid and then record the time. 9. I willl then repeat this with different measurements of sodium thiosulphate and water. Changes I have made and why - I am not going to be using a burette because after finishing my pilot run, i realised that i was gradually getting more and more behind schedule and I wouldn;t have enough time to complete my obtaining evidence if I were to carry on using it. Fair test To make sure it was a fair test. i had to constantly keep cleaning and washing the equipmentas any remaining substances can cause major differences in the results. And we had to try ansd hope that the room temperature will remain constant during the course of my experiment. Also we always have to keep the volume of concentrstion the same - 55ml. number and range of experiments - If I have enough time, I would like to try around nine different concentrations of sodium thiosulphate with water. I am going to try hte following volumes of sodium thiosulphate: 10ml, 15ml, 20ml, 25ml, 30ml,35ml, 40ml,45ml and 50ml. - I have chosen a range of 40ml as I think this is enough to truly experience the various actions of sodium thiosulphate reacting with hydrochloric acid. - If any of my results seem somewhat innaccurate or faulty, I will try my best to redo them. Safety - Make sure to tie hair back. - Wear a lab coat. - Wear safety glasses or goggles. - Wash hand in between each experimewnt and after anmd before eating. - Open windows so the smell isn't too overwhelming Dillutions To make my experiment a fair test, we must always have the same volume of solutions, 55ml. Rates of Reaction - The concentration of hydrochloric acid and the rate of reaction with sodium theosulphate :: GCSE Chemistry Coursework Investigation Rate of Reaction After doing my pilot run, i think that my method and apparatus used should be mostly the same: Apparatus - 1 conical flask - 1 lamenated 'x' - 3 test tubes - 1 thermometer - 1 stop watch - 3 pipettes Method: 1. Measure 10ml of 0.2mol/dm3 or 0.2moldm-3 sodium thiosulphate 2. Pour it into the conical flask 3. Add 40ml of distilled water for dillution. 4. Then add 5cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid of concentration 2mol/dm3 at room temperature 5. Record the temperature of the mixture. Stir mixture gently. 6. Stir mixture gently 7. Start time when all is stirred and when the conical flask is over the 'X' paper. 8. Once the cross is completely out of sight due to the reactionof the sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid and then record the time. 9. I willl then repeat this with different measurements of sodium thiosulphate and water. Changes I have made and why - I am not going to be using a burette because after finishing my pilot run, i realised that i was gradually getting more and more behind schedule and I wouldn;t have enough time to complete my obtaining evidence if I were to carry on using it. Fair test To make sure it was a fair test. i had to constantly keep cleaning and washing the equipmentas any remaining substances can cause major differences in the results. And we had to try ansd hope that the room temperature will remain constant during the course of my experiment. Also we always have to keep the volume of concentrstion the same - 55ml. number and range of experiments - If I have enough time, I would like to try around nine different concentrations of sodium thiosulphate with water. I am going to try hte following volumes of sodium thiosulphate: 10ml, 15ml, 20ml, 25ml, 30ml,35ml, 40ml,45ml and 50ml. - I have chosen a range of 40ml as I think this is enough to truly experience the various actions of sodium thiosulphate reacting with hydrochloric acid. - If any of my results seem somewhat innaccurate or faulty, I will try my best to redo them. Safety - Make sure to tie hair back. - Wear a lab coat. - Wear safety glasses or goggles. - Wash hand in between each experimewnt and after anmd before eating. - Open windows so the smell isn't too overwhelming Dillutions To make my experiment a fair test, we must always have the same volume of solutions, 55ml.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Impact of superior leadership Essay

Introduction Leadership can be defined as â€Å"a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership attributes, such as beliefs, values, ethics, character, knowledge, and skills†. (A good leader offers reality check, thank you – The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area) â€Å"Leadership is concerned with intimacy, intimacy with the substance of the work and with the people you serve,† (What is Leadership?) Nowadays in the world of business, one of the most important issues that companies face is that their workforces, including executives, are incapable of wrapping their minds completely about how to think and act as a superior leader. To become a superior leader, your role in your organization should be lasting success. Besides this, superior leaders must be ambitious, hard working, broad minded, striving, caring, competent, intelligent, cooperative, loyal, dependable, supportive, forward looking, mature, self controlled and so on. Superior leadership motivates us to do more, learn more and dream more. In fact, superior leadership is an approach that unleashes your employees’ brainpower. This is due to the fact that when this brain power is completely utilized, workers and employees are motivated, innovative, creative and committed. How Good Leadership Affects Organization Obviously, we all are aware of the fact that employees are our most significant asset and the best ones are self-starter and self-motivated. Unfortunately, they are approximately only 5 to 6 percent or so naturally occurring. By using a superior leadership strategy, the management can certainly make huge number of employees highly self-motivated and self-started. And in this regard, this superior leadership strategy can be taught to newly hired and prospective managers to maintain your product quality and to provide fineness in leadership. According to Richard Hughes, R&D director for groups â€Å"Specifically, most organizations whether they are in the corporate sector or not have business strategies but have not given sufficient thought to what human capabilities are needed to implement that business strategy effectively†. (McLean, 2005) Furthermore, as a corporate leader of a firm, delivering satisfactory results to your employees, customers, organization and shareholder/investors is your responsibility. Primarily, result-based superior leadership motivates trust, energizes organizational employees and makes performance measurement easier for an organization. Nobody can deny the statement that your company’s overall performance depends upon the fact that how your management plans certain things and applies them in business activities. And with respect of this, a strategic leader should make a caring plan that gives assurance of your company’s goodwill and future business. And to achieve the aforementioned things, the management and the leaders should treat team members as partners instead of employees. In addition to this, a successful leader builds a strong communication connection inside and outside the organization, and understands your stake holders’ and investors’ mutual expectations. Moreover, in order to understand a company’s goals and objectives productively, a workforce should mutually understand and practice its strategy because of the fact that overall success of a company depends upon good leadership. A responsible team leader or manager should apply the aforementioned points. In today’s globalized world of business, many corporations are facing economic, social, political and climatic changes. Hence, a good leader is one who can cope with day to day changing political and social situations. Certainly, true leadership provides business to organizations in any circumstances whatsoever. However, the business environment can have impacts on the style of leadership â€Å"Successful leaders of change may not always be successful leaders of stability, consolidation, continuity, or thriving leaders in periods of massive disruption, such as 9/11. These different conditions require a different style of leadership, which may not necessarily be found in the existing senior management†. (emcc – Transforming organisations – the importance of leadership and culture in managing change) If a strong leadership culture is not present in any type of organization, employees do not contribute a common vision to the organization’s future and would disagree on what the most significant priorities are. In this regard, one would believe that such indicators are influenced according to an organization’s size or in other ways like in which responsibilities are distributed in an organization. In this regard, Marvin Lieberman, Lawrence Lau and Mark Williams conducted a study which is considered a most classy study in the automobile industry. These researchers estimated the productivity equation in order to ascertain the growth in both labor and capital outputs in six companies over a period of forty years. They found that â€Å"effects of top management on all of the companies except Toyota (because it had a system that made performance robust and largely independent of who occupied senior leadership positions) and that these effects were significant† (Pfeffer and Sutton, 2000) Furthermore, there is evidence that leadership results are modest because of the fact that employees who are allowed to keep and hold leadership positions are similar to each other. Practically speaking, leaders are selected for similarity in outlook and education. Consequently, in most of the organizations, leaders who appear to be successful are highly sought after and are likely to take bit positions. Another theorist described his views about leadership and its impacts on your organization as â€Å"building your superior confidence in you requires giving them your confidence. Once you and they have established in both ways, your organization may have an unbeatable competitive advantage, whatever the battlefield†. (Hinders, 2005). Generally, it has been observed that bad leadership has adverse effects on organizational performance and work output. For instance, organizations without proper project management miss milestones. Projects in such organizations cost more than the estimated amount and do not deliver the desired results. Certainly, leadership plays a tremendous role in every aspect of the organization. For example, most of the US financial companies systematically hired the best world talent regardless of the market size and shifted these leaders through every critical and non critical aspect of its operation. Because of the leadership fact, human assets pay off handsomely in today’s global world of business. And in this regard, the world’s best economists also weigh the fact that in today’s business world, it is very difficult to run your business operations economically without having a good leader who has the ability to cope with different problems and solve problems economically and excel among business competitors. Tsun-yan Hsieh and Sara Yik, in an article while emphasizing the leadership importance for an organization stated that, â€Å"â€Å"what do we mean by â€Å"leadership†? Whereas good managers deliver predictable results as promised, as well as occasional incremental improvements, leaders generate breakthroughs in performance. They create something that wasn’t there before by launching a new product, by entering a new market, or by more quickly attaining better operational performance at lower cost, for example. A company’s leadership reaches well beyond a few good men and women at the top. It typically includes the 3 to 5 percent of employees throughout the organization who can deliver breakthroughs in performance†. (Hsieh and Yik).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Natural monopoly Essay

I believe that times change and as they, change rules and regulations must adapt to the times. Therefore, the treatment of the different industries must represent the different industries as they grow. I do not think the Telephone and Broadcast should never have or ever be considered a â€Å"Natural Monopoly†. The concept of natural monopoly presents a challenging public policy dilemma. On the one hand, a natural monopoly implies that efficiency in production would be better served if a single firm supplies the entire market. On the other hand, in the absence of any competition the monopoly holder will be tempted to exploit his natural monopoly power in order to maximize its profits. A â€Å"natural monopoly† is defined in economics as an industry where the fixed cost of the capital goods is so high that it is not profitable for a second firm to enter and compete. There is a â€Å"natural† reason for this industry being a monopoly, namely that the economies of scale require one, rather than several, firms. Small-scale ownership would be less efficient. Natural monopolies are typically utilities such as water, electricity, and natural gas. It would be very costly to build a second set of water and sewerage pipes in a city. Water and gas delivery service has a high fixed cost and a low variable cost. Electricity is now being deregulated, so the generators of electric power can now compete. But the infrastructure, the wires that carry the electricity, usually remain a natural monopoly, and the various companies send their electricity through the same grid. Cable as a â€Å"Natural Monopoly†. Nearly every community in the United States allows only a single cable company to operate within its borders. Since the Boulder decision [4] in which the U. S. Supreme Court held that municipalities might be subject to antitrust liability for anticompetitive acts, most cable franchises have been nominally nonexclusive but in fact do operate to preclude all competitors. The legal rationale for municipal regulation is that cable uses city-owned streets and rights-of-way; the economic rationale is the assumption that cable is a â€Å"natural monopoly. † The theory of natural monopoly holds that â€Å"because of structural conditions that exist in certain industries, competition between firms cannot endure; and whenever these conditions exist, it is inevitable that only one firm will survive. † Thus, regulation is necessary to dilute the ill-effects of the monopoly. [5] Those who assert that cable television is a natural monopoly focus on its economies of scale; that is, its large fixed costs whose duplication by multiple companies would be inefficient and wasteful. Thus, competitive entry into the market should be proscribed because it is bound to be destructive. The Competitive Reality I believe that times change and as they, change rules and regulations must adapt to the times. Therefore, the treatment of the different industries must represent the different industries as they grow. I do not think the Telephone and Broadcast should never have or ever be considered a â€Å"Natural Monopoly†. The concept of natural monopoly presents a challenging public policy dilemma. On the one hand, a natural monopoly implies that efficiency in production would be better served if a single firm supplies the entire market. On the other hand, in the absence of any competition the monopoly holder will be tempted to exploit his natural monopoly power in order to maximize its profits. A â€Å"natural monopoly† is defined in economics as an industry where the fixed cost of the capital goods is so high that it is not profitable for a second firm to enter and compete. There is a â€Å"natural† reason for this industry being a monopoly, namely that the economies of scale require one, rather than several, firms. Small-scale ownership would be less efficient. Natural monopolies are typically utilities such as water, electricity, and natural gas. It would be very costly to build a second set of water and sewerage pipes in a city. Water and gas delivery service has a high fixed cost and a low variable cost. Electricity is now being deregulated, so the generators of electric power can now compete. But the infrastructure, the wires that carry the electricity, usually remain a natural monopoly, and the various companies send their electricity through the same grid. Cable as a â€Å"Natural Monopoly† Nearly every community in the United States allows only a single cable company to operate within its borders. Since the Boulder decision [4] in which the U. S. Supreme Court held that municipalities might be subject to antitrust liability for anticompetitive acts, most cable franchises have been nominally nonexclusive but in fact do operate to preclude all competitors. The legal rationale for municipal regulation is that cable uses city-owned streets and rights-of-way; the economic rationale is the assumption that cable is a â€Å"natural monopoly. † The theory of natural monopoly holds that â€Å"because of structural conditions that exist in certain industries, competition between firms cannot endure; and whenever these conditions exist, it is inevitable that only one firm will survive. † Thus, regulation is necessary to dilute the ill-effects of the monopoly. [5] Those who assert that cable television is a natural monopoly focus on its economies of scale; that is, its large fixed costs whose duplication by multiple companies would be inefficient and wasteful. Thus, competitive entry into the market should be proscribed because it is bound to be destructive. The Competitive Reality 1. A skeptic hearing exhortations that cable television is a natural monopoly that should be locally regulated could have some questions at this point. First, if cable is a natural monopoly, why do we need to guarantee it with a franchise? Economists Bruce Owen and Peter Greenhalgh argue persuasively that given economies of scale, if a cable company â€Å"is responsive and efficient in its pricing and service quality then there will be little incentive for competitors to enter, and no need for an exclusionary franchise policy. â€Å"[9] Thus, if entry restrictions are necessary to arrest competition, the industry by definition is not a natural monopoly. 2. Second, if cable is a natural monopoly, is it necessarily a local monopoly? Some observers use the terms interchangeably, but there is no evidence that economic laws respect municipal boundaries. Given large fixed costs, does it make sense to award a local franchise to one company when another already has facilities in an adjacent community? Yet such â€Å"wasteful duplication,† as the natural monopoly proponents would call it, occurs frequently under the franchise system. Local franchises make no sense in a true natural monopoly setting. 3. These questions, however, go to the heart of natural monopoly theory itself, a doctrine that is under increasing attack. [10] In the face of crumbling conventional wisdom in this area, the burden should be on the natural monopoly proponents to demonstrate that competition is not possible, and further, that regulation is necessary. Such a demonstration will prove impossible in the cable context. Cable is both extremely competitive, facing both direct and indirect market challenges, and, in any event, is better left unregulated. For many decades, economic textbooks have held up the telecommunications industry as the ideal model of natural monopoly. A natural monopoly is said to exist when a single firm is able to control most, if not all, output and prices in a given market due to the enormous entry barriers and economies of scale associated with the industry. More specifically, a market is said to be naturally monopolistic when one firm can serve consumers at lower costs than two or more firms (Spulber 1995: 31). For example, telephone service traditionally has required laying an extensive cable network, constructing numerous calls switching stations, and creating a variety of support services, before service could actually be initiated. Obviously, with such high entry costs, new firms can find it difficult to gain a toehold in the industry. Those problems are compounded by the fact that once a single firm overcomes the initial costs, their average cost of doing business drops rapidly relative to newcomers. The telephone monopoly, however, has been anything but natural. Overlooked in the textbooks is the extent to which federal and state governmental actions throughout this century helped build the AT&T or â€Å"Bell system† monopoly. As Robert Crandall (1991: 41) noted, â€Å"Despite the popular belief that the telephone network is a natural monopoly, the AT&T monopoly survived until the 1980s not because of its naturalness but because of overt government policy. † I hope that the above facts help support my beliefs that these industries should not be considered Natural Monopolies. These companies just executed and had better site than other in the same industry had. Today ATT is just as strong as it ever was. References Benjamin, S. M. , Lichtman, D. G. , Shelanski, H. , & Weiser , P. (2006). FOUNDATIONS. In Telecommunications Law and Policy . (2nd ed. ). (pp. 437 – 469). Durham, NC : Carolina Academic Press. Foldvary, F. E. (1999). Natural Monopolies . The Progress Report. Retrieved January 9, 2012, from http://www. progress. org/fold74. htm Thierer , A. D. (1994). UNNATURAL MONOPOLY: CRITICAL MOMENTS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE BELL SYSTEM MONOPOLY . 14(2).

Symbolic and Important

Symbolic and Important Symbolic and Important Symbolic and Important By Maeve Maddox A reader brought the following quotation from a statement by the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) to my attention: Among the five stores was the Pico Rivera, California Walmart Supercenter, which has been [a] hotbed for worker action. The store is also of symbolic important to the low-wage worker movement I assumed that the adjective important must have been a simple typo for the noun importance, but when I looked for the construction on the Web, I found enough examples to conclude that some speakers may be using the combination â€Å"symbolic important† intentionally: But even outside consideration of annual cycles, four and twelve have great symbolic important.  - The Greathouse [Publishing] Company. Some places also have  symbolic important  for us, as cultural assets, symbolic referents.  - Healthy Living Centres, Geoffey Purves, Taylor Francis, 2007. This film is of highly  symbolic important  because its scenes and juxtapositions are abbreviated rather than carried toward their most logical extension.- The Men Inside, Barry N. Malzberg, Orion Publishing Group, 2011. The Symbolic Important  of Birds in the Quran: Implications for Science and  Technology. - Article title in IFE Journal of Religions, Vol. 6, No2, 2010. In some ways, Varner is right. Japanese defense planners have attached a symbolic important to certain US weapons. Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). Something can be both symbolic and important, but not â€Å"of symbolic important.† When someone describes an event or action as being â€Å"of symbolic importance,† the usual meaning is, â€Å"important, but of little practical effect.† Used to describe an object or a place, the phrase means â€Å"important emotionally.† For example: The nine-day visit of the U.S. president to China is only of symbolic importance, especially for the Chinese. No breakthrough is expected of the visit in tackling any of the problematic issues, although there are plenty of them.   The Royal Air Force will hold a service for personnel and families at Lincoln Cathedral, a place of great symbolic importance for the RAF. Another possibility does exist that might explain this strange use of the adjective important in place of the noun importance in the phrase â€Å"symbolic importance.† The error may arise from the use of voice transcription. For example, I found the error in the transcription of an interview on the National Public Radio site. Michel Martin is asking Sylvia Poggioli about an upcoming visit of Israeli and Palestinian leaders to the Vatican: MARTIN: What is the symbolic important of this? In the recorded interview, Martin clearly says â€Å"importance.† If you use the expression when dictating to a voice transcription app, be sure to double-check your spelling in the final draft. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How to Punctuate References to Dates and TimesConfusing "Passed" with "Past"10 Tips to Improve Your Writing Skills

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Mansfield, TX School Desegregation Incident essays

Mansfield, TX School Desegregation Incident essays During the fifteen to twenty years after World War II, America was experiencing numerous changes, not only politically but socially also. After World War II most Americans felt a sense of pride, due to the victory over the Japanese and Nazi powers. Although most people felt this pride, some people in the African American community did not experience this joy because of the racial tension that existed in the South. Racial segregation was at one of its worst points in history. Separate but equal, was the law of the land, but clearly the equal part was left out of the equation. Everything was split up into two categories, whites and coloreds, everything from bathrooms to restaurants. People grew up with no idea how a person of another race survived or even conducted themselves on a daily basis. Because of this isolation, black children grew up with social issues that affect some still today. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) began to challenge segregation in graduate and secondary schools in the mid-1930s. Early successes in the Supreme Court barred law schools from denying applicants on the basis of race alone. Application of these cases to public schools finally happened in Brown v. Board of Education, in 1954. In Brown I, after two rounds of oral arguments, the Supreme Court held that racial segregation in public schools violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. A third round of arguments were held in 1955, concerning remedies, and in Brown II, the Court ordered that desegregation should occur with all deliberate speed. Unfortunately, the vagueness of this phrase, combined with the unwillingness of many states to desegregate, meant that many states were able to postpone any desegregation. Anger over these delays and a growing frustration over the continued disenfranchisement of African-Americans helped launch th e Civil Rights Movement. Shortly following the Brown...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Advertising, Sex and Shifting Cultural Attitudes Assignment

Advertising, Sex and Shifting Cultural Attitudes - Assignment Example The long time ago, the society demanded of us to repress our instincts even though this often resulted in psychic dissatisfaction. Over the last few decades, advertising and particularly using sex appeal has led to a massive shift in this attitude. Today, passions are advocated for to be freely indulged. Individuals have been led to believe that they are entitled to seek romantic and sexual zeal. As a result, social ills such as divorce, unfaithfulness in marriages and polygamy are now considered legitimate solutions. In fact, the sexual sell in advertising effectively trashes sex, which should be respected as a human activity meant for reproduction rather than just a mere recreational exercise. The other concern that sex appeal advertising has bred over the years is that of people as objects. Additionally, recent advertising’s perspective of sex is nothing but pornographic which reduces sexuality to a stupid joke. This is in itself a direct insult to any cultural values that uphold human dignity. Even more worrying is the fact that people have come to accept these demeaning images to the point of actualizing them. Besides, human beings being prone to accepting trends even when some are wrong have been trapped by this shift in cultural attitudes towards sex and romance. Some advertising images portray the woman consumer of a particular product as a superwoman. These images present a woman capable of performing all sorts of activities at home and at work assisted by the product being advertised. This effectively renders the people around such as the husband, friends, and children as just passive spectators. In connection to romance, this product gives the woman self-esteem and independence that no man can afford to offer.  

Friday, October 18, 2019

Accounting and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Accounting and Society - Essay Example In contrast, conventional approaches to regulating the environment characteristically force entities to implement the same pollution control strategies, irrespective of the relative costs to the entities. This can be expensive and equally counterproductive since, although, the approach succeeds in limiting emissions, the attainment of the results is in an unjustifiably pricey way (Oates, Paul and Albert 1989, p.1233). Non-market-based approaches offer minimal or no incentive whatsoever to do better than what the law demands, or no room to develop and experiment with new technology and equipment that might yield enhanced improvement in pollution control (Hahn and Stavins 1991, p.2). The net result in this case is a drag on productivity and criticisms regarding regulatory inefficiency, all of which undermine commitment to attainment of environmental gains. This observation shapes the call for regulation based on free-market and pro-regulatory approach as it delivers more gains to the society as a whole. Economists criticize non-market-based approaches approach to regulation by citing its costliness and rigidity (Driesen 2003, p.137). From late 1980s, market based instruments for environmental regulation gained prominence such as emissions trading programs. Australia Government’s response has been no different as espoused by its creation of pricing mechanism for carbon and fresh regulatory rep orting requirements centring on greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption, and production. The Australian government announced plans to replace the $15 per tonne carbon price floor with the introduction of the new carbon price in July 2012, in which the biggest polluters pay $23 per tonne for the carbon emitted (CO2-e). Australia plans to link its carbon pricing system with the European Union Emissions Trading Systems (EU) from July 2015. The National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme (NGERS) that commenced on July 2008 seeks to herald a solitary national reporting framework for constitutional corporations that bear significant greenhouse gas emissions right from energy consumption to energy production. Non Market-based Approaches: Traditional Command-and-Control A prescriptive regulation infers a policy that stipulates how much pollution an entity can emit, and/or what forms of control equipment it must utilize to satisfy those requirements. Such a standard is defined in te rms of a source-level emissions rate. The main idea behind command-and-control rests in the fact that regulated entities are awarded minimal discretion in their pollution control efforts. Command-and-control approach covers a broad range of regulations manifesting varying degrees of flexibility and cost savings (Stewart 1992, p.547). In such circumstances, aggregate emissions will hinge on the number of polluters plus the output of each polluter. The prescriptive standard does not allow for reallocation of abatement activities as each entity may be still expected to attain a certain emissions standard (Stewart 1992, p.548). Hence, whereas pollution may be minimized to the desired level, it is often attained at a higher cost under a prescriptive approach. Performance-based standards A technology standard infers one that stipulates certain actions with minimal or no flexibility to adopt other actions that might yield the same environmental outcome. The focus on process or technology i nstead of the environmental outcome is what predominantly characterizes a technology standard. Conversely, performance standards highlight pollution or environmental quality and hence enable regulated sources some scale of

Dementia Patient Care Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Dementia Patient Care Plan - Assignment Example Different diseases that directly affect the brain can lead to the development of dementia, with the major cause being Alzheimer disease. As much as scientists have not identified the exact reasons behind and process that individuals develop Alzheimer disease, it is evident that it results from the death of neurons (nerve cells) in the brain (Lu & Bludau, 2011). It is evident that a type of protein referred to as beta-amyloid and protein fiber masses form deposits within the brain of individuals with the disease. Peter* is an 86-year-old Navajo of American-Indian background. He lives with Maria*, his 80-year-old wife, in a ranch on the outskirts of Alaska. The couple solely depends on Peter’s retirement benefits that are not enough to cater for their needs. The government’s health insurance is limited; hence, the family’s expenses majorly lies in Peter’s healthcare. The couple never had children and has to be independent at old age. However, Peter cut-off his drinking habits after attending rehabilitation. In his heydays, he was a professional footballer right before he retired from football and joined the media as a sports reporter. During his football career, Peter was admitted to hospital for a concussion and a brain contusion after continuous complaints of losing balance and having blurred vision. Peter has faced ten driving under the influence (DUI) charges that led to him losing his driving license and attending a rehabilitation center. Peter’s wife has osteoporosis and is weak, an aspect that has made it difficult for her to take care of her husband. Peter has reported cases of increased confusion and forgetfulness. For example, he stated that he often looks for something when he is holding it in the hand, and forgets names of close people and places. Such occurrences have increased concerns for Peter that he could be developing Alzheimer’s disease.  

Stress-Effects on the Immune System and Psychological Disorders Dissertation

Stress-Effects on the Immune System and Psychological Disorders - Dissertation Example The author of the essay "Stress-Effects on the Immune System and Psychological Disorders" begins with a short introduction chapter. The authors assumes not all stress is bad. The right amount of stress is beneficial to the body but when the body is constantly exposed to negative stressors, it affects the health of the individual. Stress causes changes that weaken our immune system and as a result, health can be negatively affected. In this scenario, infections and illnesses can flare up. In people who have been diagnosed with psychological disorders, stress seems to have a detrimental effect and knowledge regarding measures to avoid stress and manage the different external stressors should be imparted to the caregivers as well as the sick themselves. The word ‘stress’ has different implications for different people. The layman defines it as tension, unpleasant external force or an emotional upheaval. Psychologists have defined stress in different ways. The most commonly used definition of stress was developed by Lazarus and Launier who regarded stress as a transaction between people and the environment with interaction between stressor and distress. Cannon’s fight or flight model was one of the earliest models which proposed that external threats elicited a fight or flight response which was accompanied by physiological changes. Seyle’s General Adaptation Syndrome had three stages in the stress response, the first being the alarm stage, the second the resistance stage and the third being the exhaustion stage.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Social Responsibility of a Business Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social Responsibility of a Business - Term Paper Example This famous claim by Friedman however triggered a debate on what the social responsibility of a business is. The businessperson Mackey disagreed with Friedman’s thought terming it as narrow and underselling humanitarian aspect of capitalism. Mackey strongly believes that the social responsibility of a business is not only to increase profits but also to create value for all the stakeholders in the business. Mackey argues that the social responsibility of a business to shareholders, society, and the stakeholders are varied and all are satisfied in different ways, which should be taken seriously by any kind of business to be successful. I strongly agree with Mackey that the social responsibility of a business is not only to increase profits, but also to satisfy the needs of the society, shareholders, and stakeholders, which are as well important. Social responsibility of business to stakeholders The stakeholders in a business comprise the community, employees, suppliers, and cli entele. According to Mackey (2005), all these stakeholders draw the meaning of the business in their own way of satisfaction. It is worth noting that the groups’ needs are varied as well and the needs are satisfied in different ways. ... Satisfied employees in any business will translate into efficiency and quality output, which are valuable assets to the business. The social responsibility of a business to employees include, good working conditions and attractive salaries and wages, social security such as insurance and pension schemes, better living standards among others. Suppliers are as well important to a business and therefore there is need for a business to satisfy the suppliers socially. Mackey believes that all the stakeholders in a business are important for a business to attain its goals. Suppliers supply business raw materials needed to produce certain goods or services and it is their responsibility as well to get the finished products close to the customers. For the smooth functioning of the business, the social function of the business is to give them a fair deal in the business. Social responsibility of a business to shareholders The shareholders in layman’s term are the owners of a business a nd the social responsibility of the business is to satisfy their needs. Although most shareholders majorly focus on increased profits, Mackey admits this though in a different perspective. According to Mackey, profits maximization should not be the soul goal for a business but the business need to put first the interest of the entire stakeholders. Mackey (2005) argues that by putting first the interest of the stakeholders by value creation, this will act as a means to an end. As the business works hard towards maximizing profits for the investors, it is important to bear in mind that by satisfying the customers and other stakeholders, the profits are likely to increase. The shareholders being the owners of

Plant Exploration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Plant Exploration - Essay Example Forests, rich in plant life, are spread across Kenya. Some plants in Kenya are used to make refreshment drinks. Plants such as tea and coffee undergo manufacturing and the end product is used to prepare drinks that are often taken in the morning hours. About eighty percent of the Kenyan population wakes up to a cup of tea or coffee every morning. This is due to its cheapness and exudes health benefits. Tea and coffee consumers have grown exponentially for the past few years. Tea and coffee drinks preparation is easy and can be done at the comfort of your home. Fruit juices are also consumed in Kenya. Avocados, oranges, mangoes among others are squeezed to produce a very sweet juice. The tree tomato fruits are used in making salad. The types of juices and salads depend on the consumer taste and most of them are readily available. Some alcoholic drinks are made from plants. Fermentation of plant fruits yield a sweet and alcoholic drink that is consumed by the locals. Each tribe in Keny a has its own type of alcoholic drink. In coastal areas, for example, the locals use the coconut plant to make an alcoholic drink. ( The building and construction industry in Kenya is aided by plants. Timber is common in the building industry. In rural areas they use trees to build their houses while in urban centres they are used as pillars or roofing materials. Trees are also used in construction of makeshift business premises. Hardwood trees are cut and shaped to manufacture beautiful sculptures by the locals. The baobab tree is used to make durable furniture. Kenya harbours various craftsmen who use plants to make beautiful items such as wall frames. In Kenya, however, deforestation is highly controlled by the government in order to protect plant life. Kenyans also use plants to construct transportation means. Carts and wheelbarrows are wooden and are convenient because they can carry all sorts of luggage. Some communities in Kenya use shrines as sacred places. Thes e shrines are built by placing leaves and trees in strategic positions where people go to communicate with their Deity. In a nutshell, the building and construction industry cannot survive in Kenya without plant life.( Daily Nation Newspaper) Plants are also used for medicinal purposes in Kenya. The idea of treating patients using herbal plants was coined from the forefathers. Herbalists exist in Kenya up to this day. Traditional medicine which comprised of specific plants is still considered in treating diseases. Aloe Vera is an example of a plant used for medicinal purpose. In Kenya, manufactured drugs are expensive depending on the ailment and people turn to plants for their recovery. Herbalists grind and crush different types of leaves from specific plants into a concoction. The concoction then is used in treating headaches, stomach aches, heartburn and other pains. Plants such as Khat are also believed to aid in dieting because they suppress hunger pangs. Leaves from specific p lants treat snake bites in the Kikuyu and Kamba community. Rural health planning in Kenya appreciates medicinal plants for they are readily available and cheap. ( Kenyans use plants to relieve hunger pangs each and every day. There are common types of foods across the country although some of them originate from specific communities. Kikuyus enjoy a mixture

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Stress-Effects on the Immune System and Psychological Disorders Dissertation

Stress-Effects on the Immune System and Psychological Disorders - Dissertation Example The author of the essay "Stress-Effects on the Immune System and Psychological Disorders" begins with a short introduction chapter. The authors assumes not all stress is bad. The right amount of stress is beneficial to the body but when the body is constantly exposed to negative stressors, it affects the health of the individual. Stress causes changes that weaken our immune system and as a result, health can be negatively affected. In this scenario, infections and illnesses can flare up. In people who have been diagnosed with psychological disorders, stress seems to have a detrimental effect and knowledge regarding measures to avoid stress and manage the different external stressors should be imparted to the caregivers as well as the sick themselves. The word ‘stress’ has different implications for different people. The layman defines it as tension, unpleasant external force or an emotional upheaval. Psychologists have defined stress in different ways. The most commonly used definition of stress was developed by Lazarus and Launier who regarded stress as a transaction between people and the environment with interaction between stressor and distress. Cannon’s fight or flight model was one of the earliest models which proposed that external threats elicited a fight or flight response which was accompanied by physiological changes. Seyle’s General Adaptation Syndrome had three stages in the stress response, the first being the alarm stage, the second the resistance stage and the third being the exhaustion stage.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Plant Exploration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Plant Exploration - Essay Example Forests, rich in plant life, are spread across Kenya. Some plants in Kenya are used to make refreshment drinks. Plants such as tea and coffee undergo manufacturing and the end product is used to prepare drinks that are often taken in the morning hours. About eighty percent of the Kenyan population wakes up to a cup of tea or coffee every morning. This is due to its cheapness and exudes health benefits. Tea and coffee consumers have grown exponentially for the past few years. Tea and coffee drinks preparation is easy and can be done at the comfort of your home. Fruit juices are also consumed in Kenya. Avocados, oranges, mangoes among others are squeezed to produce a very sweet juice. The tree tomato fruits are used in making salad. The types of juices and salads depend on the consumer taste and most of them are readily available. Some alcoholic drinks are made from plants. Fermentation of plant fruits yield a sweet and alcoholic drink that is consumed by the locals. Each tribe in Keny a has its own type of alcoholic drink. In coastal areas, for example, the locals use the coconut plant to make an alcoholic drink. ( The building and construction industry in Kenya is aided by plants. Timber is common in the building industry. In rural areas they use trees to build their houses while in urban centres they are used as pillars or roofing materials. Trees are also used in construction of makeshift business premises. Hardwood trees are cut and shaped to manufacture beautiful sculptures by the locals. The baobab tree is used to make durable furniture. Kenya harbours various craftsmen who use plants to make beautiful items such as wall frames. In Kenya, however, deforestation is highly controlled by the government in order to protect plant life. Kenyans also use plants to construct transportation means. Carts and wheelbarrows are wooden and are convenient because they can carry all sorts of luggage. Some communities in Kenya use shrines as sacred places. Thes e shrines are built by placing leaves and trees in strategic positions where people go to communicate with their Deity. In a nutshell, the building and construction industry cannot survive in Kenya without plant life.( Daily Nation Newspaper) Plants are also used for medicinal purposes in Kenya. The idea of treating patients using herbal plants was coined from the forefathers. Herbalists exist in Kenya up to this day. Traditional medicine which comprised of specific plants is still considered in treating diseases. Aloe Vera is an example of a plant used for medicinal purpose. In Kenya, manufactured drugs are expensive depending on the ailment and people turn to plants for their recovery. Herbalists grind and crush different types of leaves from specific plants into a concoction. The concoction then is used in treating headaches, stomach aches, heartburn and other pains. Plants such as Khat are also believed to aid in dieting because they suppress hunger pangs. Leaves from specific p lants treat snake bites in the Kikuyu and Kamba community. Rural health planning in Kenya appreciates medicinal plants for they are readily available and cheap. ( Kenyans use plants to relieve hunger pangs each and every day. There are common types of foods across the country although some of them originate from specific communities. Kikuyus enjoy a mixture

Library Statement of Goals Essay Example for Free

Library Statement of Goals Essay I have submitted my application for admission into the Kent State School of Library and Information Science as an avenue for professional growth within my current career. As a former Spanish teacher and currently a computer technology teacher, it is important to pursue the MLIS as current librarians seek retirement and technology continues to infiltrate libraries across our nation. I am currently interested in pursuing the MLIS plus the K-12 licensure in order to serve in an urban school library setting. My current teaching assignment of computer technology lends itself to a smooth transition from the classroom to a librarian position as our school district places more emphasis on digital media. I remain fully committed to providing instruction to students; however, with teachers and school librarians retiring in droves, I fear that our schools will be left with overworked teachers and no librarians in our schools. By completing the MLIS degree, I will be accomplishing an additional career objective. I remain committed to my career goals that were previously established many years ago. My first goal was accomplished by completing my undergraduate course of study at the University of Cincinnati. My second career goal was to obtain my M. Ed. In School Administration and I accomplished that particular goal in the year 2000. My third goal, albeit somewhat personal, was to earn my private pilot’s license, and I successfully completed that task in 2001. My fourth career oriented goal was to transition from teaching Spanish to teaching computer science with an ultimate goal of finishing the required courses to earn the MLIS degree. I am currently in the middle of this goal. After speaking to our retiring librarian, she suggested that I apply my technology expertise and apply for the vacant school librarian position. Our current librarian highly encouraged me to seek at least the minimum courses for K-12 certification. After speaking with Dr. Sarah Harper and educating myself about the MLIS program and learning about the additional career opportunities associated with the MLIS, I have decided to pursue this additional graduate degree. The role of the librarian appears to be shifting from the traditional aspects of managing a library to more of the role as a librarian media technologist. An important current issue of the library is to also serve as a digital media center due to the increased technology needs facing libraries. I am greatly interested in this transition as many school librarians almost double as the digital media technologist. Colleges and universities are also adopting the model of librarian media technologist to enhance the needs of such educational institutions. As our digital technology library needs grow, I foresee a point where the current traditional school librarian could potentially be at a slight disadvantage without minimal technology background. I firmly support digital media; however, print media is equally as important. It will be the role of the librarian to determine which media shall remain in print edition for students, and which media will transition to digital media. Another current issue that is important is to fully integrate the school library as an extension of the classroom. It is important to fully utilize the library beyond the common routine of â€Å"pulling books† for a specific course. Instead, it would be beneficial to teachers and students if the library were to be established as an academic department. Establishing meaningful collaboration between the library personnel and teachers will foster a learning environment conducive to learning. As a school librarian, a goal should be to create a library setting that embeds the role of the library into the classrooms. Instead of thinking of the library as an independent space of a school, the library now serves as an extension of the classroom. However, it is equally important to keep in mind, the school librarian is not able to provide content specific instruction, but rather, instruction on how to locate the resources required for the specific content. It is important for the librarian to serve as an instructional partner in the learning process. Finally, another current issue that I believe is important is increasing the mobility of the library. Technology has advanced to where it is no longer required to leave the house and go to the library to seek and acquire information. With nearly all of our students owning a mobile device, whether it is a cellular telephone, iPad, Nook, mobile devices are changing the way information is delivered and accessed. While students easily have access to the internet through mobile devices, it is equally important that students have access to digital records housed in the library. Furthermore, many library users have learned the convenience of downloadable e-books. As teachers, students, and others navigate away from the traditional book delivered in print, it will be important for the librarian to explore new ideas and collaboratively implement a plan to cost effectively deliver more data via mobile devices.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Dynamic Systems Development Methodology

Dynamic Systems Development Methodology Dynamic Systems Development Methodology is a methodological analysis used by information system professionals to develop softwares projects which is originated from Rapid Application Development Methodology. Stapleton (1997) states that â€Å"DSDM describes project management, estimating, prototyping, time boxing, configuration management, testing, quality assurance, roles and responsibilities (of both users and IT staff), team structures, tool environments, risk management, building for maintainability, reuse and vendor/purchaser relationships all in RAD environment.† It is based on the nine principles and considered as one of the agile project management techniques that deliver the software systems on time and within the budget. The above methodology is applied to the Yojimbo Supplies Ltd in order to produce the customer-order system which covers the customer details, order details and stock control details. At present only the part of the company operations is computerised and the remaining is still done by the paper work ever since the company has started. After carrying out the brief analysis, the proposed system must be implemented with a centralised database over a local area network. The personal involved are Project Manager, Programmers, System analyst and facilitator. Below describes the project plan that involves phases, stages and tasks of DSDM in context with the case-study. Phases of DSDM: Feasibility Study Business Study Functional Model Iteration System Design and Build Iteration Implementation Feasibility Study:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is about whether the proposed method can be applied or not and thorough research is carried out to find out the existing problems. Feasibility study has already been carried out for the Yojimbo Company with the interview transcripts provided which shows that there is no software which is integrated together and need to produce a system that is efficient to use. Business Study:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is about acquiring a clear understanding of the business flow and how the processes are related to each other. It involves identifying the stakeholders and those who are involved in the project. There are two stages involved in this phase. Arranging JAD workshop It involves meetings with the stakeholders by making special arrangements for time and location. The activities involved in the JAD workshop are discussing the requirements with the Managing Director, Financial Director, Sales Manager and Warehouse Manager of the Yojimbo Supplies Ltd. Then the next activity involved is to analyse the requirements where the system boundaries and sub-systems are identified by the requirements identification to produce the final rich picture and CATWOE which is done by the system analyst. Yojimbo Supplies Ltd is divided into three sub-systems. They are Buying and importing, Stock and Delivery, and Selling and Marketing. The final activity is to produce a final project plan by identifying the resources and creating a timeframe. Produce a Business Study Report In this phase the first activity is to identify the business processes and to produce data flow diagram which involves context diagram, document flow diagram, physical and logical diagram and finally producing the entity relationship model that is implemented in the logical design of the database. The next activity is Systems architecture definition that describes the development of the target platform and to identify the major system components and finally prioritising the requirements of the system using the MoSCoW (Must to be done, Should have it worked but not completely depend on it, Could be left out if necessary, Would have it in the future) principle. The final activity involved in the Business study is to outline the prototyping plan i.e. to define the prototyping strategy to be used in subsequent phase and the configuration management plan. Functional Model Iteration:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It works on refining high level business information requirements and functions of systems identified during the business study of the methodology. In this phase risk has to be identified and recognize a plan on how to deal with risk for future developments. The outcome of the functional model iteration is standard analysis model of the software. Five stages are involved in this phase. Rectify Business aspects In this phase the activities involved are high-level functional and information requirements are refined Identify functional prototype The first activity is to analyse the requirements of the dataflow diagrams and list the requirements of the current iteration and to identify the non-functional requirements that were recognized during the previous stages and create the functional model that identity the major functionality of the system components. Agree Plan To determine the time for the design development of the system and finally agree the prototype that is finalised with the clients. Create functional prototype It is an iterative process until the desired result is obtained. At first the plan in implemented by creating the functional prototype that represent the functionality of the system and then individually created functional prototypes are merged together to refine it according to the remarks given by users and if any changes are required it can to be done in the next iteration. Review Prototype Testing the produced functions of the system and reviewing the functional model based on the user comments and the final functional model is delivered. System Design and Build: In this phase the actual system is built based on the non-functional requirements carried out in the previous phase and the built-in system is implemented in the next phase once the testing is done. Identify Design Prototypes The main activities involved in this task is to identify non-functional requirements and implement the plan. Agree on Prototype Design Agreeing the prototype Design by prioritising the design requirements of the system. Create Design Prototype In this task the design prototyping takes place where the components of the system that must have is built and review the produced components and at last testing of the designed prototype is done before it is handed over to the users. Review Design Prototype The last activity in System Design and Build phase is to test the system as a whole rather than unit testing and check the performance and also to deal with system in case of any event failure.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Implementation:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This is the final phase in the methodology where the built-in system is moved into the production environment from the developed environment. In context to the Yojimbo Supplies Ltd the created centralised database package is installed on the server and make sure that each and every system will be able to access the database and all systems are connected with each other through local area network. System Implementation Implement the hardware and software of the system on site and handing over the system to the company. Review Business The project Review Document reviews the achievements during the development process in relation to the requirements. User approval and guidelines The system will be approved by the end users and user manual is produced where the precise details of the implemented system is given so that the end-users can use it to refer for any help. User Training Training the users on how to interact with the new system at the location. Advantages of the DSDM: Provides a technique-independent process Flexible in terms of requirement evolution Strict time and budget adherence Incorporates stakeholders into the development process An emphasis on testing is so strong that at least one tester is expected to be on each project team. Designed from the grounded up by business people, so business value is identified an expected to be the highest priority deliverable. Has specific approach to determining how important each requirement is to iteration. Sets stakeholder expectations from the start of the project that not all requirements will make it into the final deliverable. Disadvantages of the DSDM: Involves progressive development of requirements Focus on RAD can lead to decrease in code robustness Requires full commitment to DSDM process Requires significant user involvement Requires a skilled development team in both the business and technical areas Probably the most heavyweight project compared in this survey. Expects continuous user involvement Defines several artifacts and work products for each phase of the project; heavier documentation. Access to material is controlled by a consortium and fees may be charged just to access the reference material.