Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Poverty, Education and Health Care Essay

Abstract Poverty and education play an important role in access to health care. A low socioeconomic status influences the health of people. This paper provides a general overview of how poverty and education determines access to health care. It provides a description of the consequences of poverty and education on health care accessibility. Finally it provides solutions as how to address the issue. The link between poverty, education and access to medical care has received considerable attention. Health influences all the activities of an individual. All societies are concerned with varying levels of health among their members. They are also concerned about marginalized sections of society have access to health care. Poverty and its effects on society People belonging to poor communities have poorer health outcomes. They have less access to primary care as compared with more affluent residents. They are also less likely to have health insurance and regular doctor. They are more likely to have chronic health problems. They are more likely to get hospitalized for conditions which can be detected and treated at an early stage. Despite an expansive public insurance program these health problems remain. At least 18 percent of Americans are without medical insurance. This means a total of 44 million are without health insurance out of a population of 300 million. An estimated 87 percent of people are covered by government or employee based health care insurance (Cutler, 2004). People with low socioeconomic status face many challenges in maintaining their health. They have a high mortality rate. They are more likely to be suffering from some disease. They have limited health care resources. They live in poor environmental situations. The United States has one of the world’s most impressive standards of living. At least 32 million Americans live below the poverty line. In addition to poor people an estimated 50 million people live in poverty like conditions. Health risk factors like smoking, obesity and sedentary lifestyle are found in poor Americans (Cutler, 2004). They have a higher prevalence of disability and chronic illness. They have a shorter life expectancy. Children belonging to poor families are more likely to be malnourished. Many poor Americans live in houses which have lead paint. This can cause growth problems in children. Poor people eat inexpensive food which is fatty and lacks important nutrients. Poor people cannot afford health insurance coverage. Patients postpone their medical care and they are more likely to go without prescription medicines. Low income workers are at the highest risk of being uninsured because they are ineligible for Medicaid coverage. They work in low wage jobs that do not offer insurance. They cannot afford the high premiums associated with health care insurance. The lack of a usual source of care is another barrier to seek adequate health care. The challenges associated with poverty create conditions that can diminish lifesavings, lower learning ability and reduce physical, mental and emotional well being. All of these factors are a threat to people’s health. Urban areas in the United States have many health care facilities. However poor people cannot make use of these services. The major challenge is the high cost of visiting doctors, medicine and hospital care. Social factors like language barriers and prejudice by providers also hinder the accessibility of health care by poor people. The government also faces challenges in trying spreading health education in poor communities. Health care services are vital for the survival and livelihood of poor people. Illness persists in poor people. It stops people from working and forces them to sell assets. They fall into debt and are lead into a vicious cycle of dependency and poverty. Failure to treat themselves leads to illness and disability. This further reduces the ability to work in poorer households. People living in rural areas are forced to bear high transport costs. This is difficult and expensive for them. The lack of local health centers in rural areas further hinders the ability of poor people to access adequate health care (Crichton, 1997). The huge time that takes for poor people to obtain treatment is one of the greatest barriers which they face. Time away from jobs results in lost income. Health services run by governments are usually inefficient and are characterized by neglect. The quality of service is low. There is shortage of staff. There is no proper medicine and equipment. In many countries there is no safe water to drink. In developing countries there are high costs to health care. Besides the official fees there are corrupt staff members who demand bribes and fees in return for ordinary services. These services can include registration, tests and being given medicine. They can also pressurize a sick person to make unnecessary visits to the hospital. Payment methods are not flexible in many developing countries. Payment usually has to be made in advance and in cash. This causes considerable hardship for poor people (Crichton, 1997). Â  Education and its effects on society Education also plays an important role in health care. Many people with low literacy cannot read and understand directions written on medications. They cannot complete medical consent forms. They have problems in accessing health care and dealing with health related issues. Health literacy is the ability to read and understand words and procedures related to health care. It consists of comprehension, communication and appropriate action. The direct effects of low health literacy are medication errors. The indirect issues can include insurance issues, accessibility to health care and poor health behavior (Shi, 2003). Low health literacy affects people of all ages, races, educational levels and social classes. It is driven by a variety of factors. It is a multidimensional issue. Understanding written materials has been part of extensive health literacy in the past few years. Sensitivity to culture has also become part of health literacy due to the diverse population of the world. Messages and images have to be tailored to meet the diverse beliefs and values of people. Health literacy is concerned with understanding the information necessary to manage health (Shi, 2003). It is estimated that at least 90 million people in the United States cannot read. The health of such people is at risk. Ethnic minority groups are also affected by low health literacy. Older patients, recent immigrants, people with chronic diseases and those with low income are also vulnerable to having low health literacy. Many people with average or strong literacy skills have found medical terminology and concepts confusing. There are many health consequences associated with a low literacy level. Research has found that at least one third of patients have health problems because of failure in taking prescription medication correctly. People with low health literacy cannot comply with prescribed treatments and self care routines. They also have a high rate of failure in seeking preventive care. They are more at risk for hospitalization. They lack the skills to successfully move in the complex healthcare system (Shi, 2003). Patients with low health literacy have glycemic control. They are also more likely to report eye problems caused by diabetes. The annual health care costs for individuals with low health literacy are five times higher than those with higher health literacy skills. People with low health literacy are more likely to use health care services. Additional health care expenditures result from low health literacy skills. People cannot feel part of the social structure. They are also vulnerable to anxiety and other mental disorders. They can also alienate other people. Research has also found that people with low literacy levels are more vulnerable to die. While federal and state lawmakers continue to debate about how to increase access to health care, some of them are thinking of reinsurance system which might be affordable for poor people. In order to understand the concept of insurance it is essential that policy makers understand the concepts, benefits and limits of reinsurance mechanism. Reforms in Health care Reinsurance in health care refers to risk transfer or risk pooling arrangements. These are designed to remove the barriers which low income workers and minorities face when accessing health care. Risk transfer arrangements can help in this matter but they cannot lower health care costs. Policy makers must design policies which encourage participation from insurers and remove incentives to transfer costs to taxpayers. Reinsurance is defined as an insurance company buying insurance itself. The primary insurer is protected against the rare set of circumstances which might produce losses that it cannot fund on its own. Property and casualty insurance are the areas where reinsurance has been successfully implemented. Companies working in these areas can take heavy losses due to natural disasters in a short time period. This induces insurers to buy reinsurance on the commercial market. Poor people cannot afford health insurance coverage. This directly affects their ability to access medical care. Patients postpone their medical care and they are more likely to go without prescription medicines. Low income workers are at the highest risk of being uninsured because they are ineligible for Medicaid coverage (Kling, 2004). Public health plays a vital role in countering the effects of poverty on health care. It also minimizes the disparities in health by income. Public health policies protect the health of the population. It also plays an important role in reducing contagious diseases and providing low cost health services to marginalized sections of society. There are many examples of public health functions. Immunizing babies, improving sanitation, combating sexually transmitted diseases, protecting the environment and containing tuberculosis are some of the public health functions. Public health focuses on reallocating resources to communities which have low incomes. The US government has a network of community health centers, public clinics, school based clinics and health clinics for low income workers, migrants, minorities and homeless people. The National Health Service Corps is an organization which provides services and places physicians in vulnerable communities. Public health services also focus on specific diseases like tuberculosis. They also increase immunization efforts against this disease. They provide services which improve the health of low income families. Neighborhoods are cleaned from lead paint, pollution control and nutrition programs are launched. Women and children are fed through special programs. Poor people with low income and education have poorer health outcomes. They have less access to primary care as compared with more affluent residents. They are also less likely to have health insurance and regular doctor. They are more likely to have chronic health problems (Kling, 2004). Medicaid is the largest public programs that have improved access to health care. It provides health services to low income population. It finances health and long term care insurance for over 40 million low income Americans. Before Medicaid the poor people were essentially without any medical care. They relied on charity of physicians and hospitals. Public hospitals and clinics were also visited by poor people. Medicaid has made health services available to poor people. It has improved their health status and access to quality care. It has also created satisfaction amongst the poor people. Uninsured poor people lag well behind those people who have coverage with Medicaid. People with Medicaid have even fared comparably with private insurance (Kling, 2004). Despite the fact that these programs offer valuable assistance to low income populations, the deficits in access and coverage faced by low income population cannot be easily overcome. Increase in income does produce a substantial contribution to removing health differentials. However this is the need for insurance coverage and support for community based resources to eliminate health disparities by income. Poverty is hazardous for the physical and mental well being of an individual. Low income and homeless people are poor physical functions. They have a high prevalence of health risk factors and chronic health conditions. They also are more vulnerable to depression and other mental disorders. Research has shown that people living in vulnerable communities have a higher rate of being diagnosed with mental disorders as compared with more affluent communities (Kling, 2004). There is a need for prevention, intervention and treatment of diseases for poor people. Welfare reform cannot succeed without taking into account the special health problems of poor people and children. Poverty is associated with depression and other symptoms. It contributes to depression. People with insufficient personal support have no assistance in raising children. They live under the chronic stress of having children but little money to support them. They are at a higher risk for depression. There is a strong link between single-parent status, responsibility for young children, social isolation, and lack of social supports as well as to poverty. Welfare recipients have many barriers towards employment. They have low skills, substance abuse, health limitation or children with chronic medical conditions. They have serious forms of barriers. They have also high level of distress. They seek help from general medical, specialized and human service sources. Poor people with low income and education have poorer health outcomes. They have less access to primary care as compared with more affluent residents. They are also less likely to have health insurance and regular doctor. They are more likely to have chronic health problems. They are more likely to get hospitalized for conditions which can be detected and treated at an early stage. Despite an expansive public insurance program these health problems remain. At least 18 percent of Americans are without medical insurance. This means a total of 44 million are without health insurance out of a population of 300 million. An estimated 87 percent of people are covered by government or employee based health care insurance. Rising health care costs have become unbearable in the world. This is a problem for poor people in the Western countries and the situation is even worse in developing countries. There is a need for reform in the health care system. Many poor people are not covered by health insurance. Critical care medicine in high technology hospitals are only for a small group of patients (Ham, 2004). The first step should be rationing in containing health care costs. Public health care resources are limited. It is not possible to satisfy all medical needs for all people at all times. An appropriate goal for developing countries is to provide basic health care for the people. Some luxury medical procedures must be left for individuals to purchase with their own resources. Â  A basic level of health care must be provided for all people. Providing the best care is practically impossible. The government can however provide a basic level of care. Prevention oriented and ordinary treatment oriented goals must be set for developing countries and their health care systems. Inexpensive medical prevention is more effective and appropriate for poor people. Finally there should be a system of support which should help people with special expensive medicine care. Special foundations should come to the rescue of poor people for emergency and life saving procedures (Cundiff, 2005). Conclusion The health and well being of poor communities is an issue confronting both developed and developing countries. Research has found links between poverty and the health of people. Inside the United States many poor people do not have health insurance. Some of them can’t even think of affording health insurance. They are more concerned with the basic amenities of life. People in developing countries are even worse off. They have access to state hospitals and clinics which do not have trained staff, prescription medicine and advanced hospital care (Cundiff, 2005). A low health literacy rate is also dangerous for the well being of people. It can have adverse negative economic and social impacts. They can die at from treatable causes and get hospitalized because of their lack of health literacy skills. They are also prone to suffering from mental diseases like anxiety and depression. Â  There is the need for health reform in the entire world. Governments must provide a basic level of health care to all citizens. Advanced hospital care must be made available by foundations and donations. Governments working in coordination with community support groups can effectively counter the affects of poverty and low education on the health care of poor people. Some health responsibilities and policies should be transferred to community groups. The international community must help poor countries in developing basic and adequate health care system. References Cutler, David M. (2004). Your Money Or Your Life: Strong Medicine for America’s Health Care System. US: Oxford University Press. Crichton, Anne (1997). Health Care: A Community Concern?. US: University of Calgary. Shi, Leiyu (2003). Delivering Health Care in America: A Systems Approach. US: Jones and Bartlett. Kling, Arnold S. (2004). Crisis of Abundance: Rethinking How We Pay for Health Care. US: Cato Institute. Ham, Christopher (2004). Health Care Reform: Learning from International Experience. US: McGraw-Hill Education. Cundiff, David E. (2005). The Right Medicine: How to Make Health Care Reform Work Today. US: Humana Press.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Against schools Essay

The article Against Schools is a very intriguing article or could case great debate and concern about public schooling systems in America today. Born in Monongahela, Pa, John Taylor Gatto is a retired America school teacher with nearly 30 years of experience in the school system. Gatto is a recipient of many awards such as: The New York City Teacher of the Year award in 1989,1990, and 1991 and The New York State Teacher of the Year award in 1991. He is broadminded perilous of compulsory schooling, and author of several books on education. Gatto voiced his belief that the public school system that we use, is not there for educational means; instead, exist to fulfill the function to cripple children in the long run. After reading Gatto’s article and reasoning for his opinion, I harmonize with Gatto’s belief. His article explains how our system was constructed and its purpose. I felt that the points he made displayed a lot of truth in them and it brought to reality effects about public school systems that I would have never thought to question or recognize. In the article Against School, John Taylor Gatto expresses his outlook that the public school system isn’t there for informative measures, instead â€Å"it exist to fulfill six covert functions meant to cripple our kids. † (Gatto 14 ) He speaks about the public school system not being of what we think and how it originates from the Prussian culture, which is a system deliberately designed to produce ordinary brainpowers that are simply ran. He emphasizes in the article how mandatory schooling has encouraged children not to think at all as a result leaving â€Å"them sitting ducks for the modern era of marketing†. (Gatto 148) Gatto states the fact that do to the training in school, â€Å"we have become a nation of children, happy to surrender our judgments and our wills to political exhortations and commercial blandishments that would insult actual adults†. (Gatto 148) The article goes on to express Gatto’s opinion that the school system encourages children not to think for their selves and children should be taught to manage their own lives. He says that he feels the solution is to simply let them be their true selves. One of the major points that Gatto explains in the article Against School is how the public school system originates from the Prussian culture and how compulsory school was intended to be just what it had been for the Perssia. According to several sources, â€Å"Horace Mann, credited as the father of the American public school system, studied a wide variety of educational models before implementing the Prussian system designed by Fredrick the Great. King Frederick created a system that was engineered to teach obedience and solidify his control. Focusing on following directions, basic skills, and conformity, he sought to indoctrinate the nation from an early age. Isolating students in rows and teachers in individual classrooms fashioned a strict hierarchy—intentionally fostering fear and loneliness. Mann chose the Prussian model, with its depersonalized learning and strict hierarchy of power, because it was the cheapest and easiest way to teach literacy on a large scale. Social efficiency theorists who sought to industrialize the educational process perpetuated this system throughout the early twentieth century. Led by educators such as Ellwood P. Cubberley, they used education as a tool for social engineering. Building upon the depersonalized uniformity and rigid hierarchy of the Prussian system, they constructed an industrial schooling model designed to produce millions of workers for America’s factories. Believing that most of America’s students were destined for a life of menial, industrial labor, these theorists created a multi-track educational system meant to sort students from an early age. While the best and brightest were carefully groomed for leadership positions, the majority was relegated to a monotonous education of rote learning and task completion. Consequently, our schooling system is still locked into the Prussian-industrial framework of fear, isolation, and monotony. For both students and teachers, procedure is emphasized over innovation, uniformity over individual expression, and control over empowerment. It is, therefore, not surprising that the majority of America’s classrooms have changed little in over one hundred years. †(Web) Gatto makes this point by stating these historical facts in his article. Gatto also gives examples of the outcome of compulsory school, which he says, results in adults that are manageable beings. He says those adults by things they don’t need because they are trained to believe they give some sense of proudness like a television to order more things on TV. Gatto states, â€Å" Easy answers have removed the need to ask questions. † (Gatto148) The point is definite proven by Gatto in the article which is that â€Å" mandatory education serves children incidentally†¦ its real purpose is to turn our children into servants. † (Gatto 149) He feels that instead of let the government managing our children, the solution is to let them manage themselves. The best way this can be achieved in Gatto’s vision is through homeschooling children. When I thought about the public school system, I did not ever question its purpose but to be anything but benficual to children. I thought it was to enlighten them and bring out their true individualism and make them productive citizens in society. I agree with Gatto’s article after recalling back to my experience in school. Everything was so ordered and strict, to mold everyone to be what was told of them. I did from time to time question the why can I not do this that way or why can it not be something else and I was always told by my teachers because this is the right way. Everybody does it like this so you have to as well or you are wrong. Gatto says that schooling structures us into the reliant, mindless adults we are in ways like: â€Å"easy divorce encouraging us not to work on relationships, easy credit removing the need for fiscal control, easy entertainment removing the need to entertain one’s self, etc. † (Gatto148) It does not make sense that if we are each individuals, then why are we taught and ma to think the same. Gatto feels the solution is to go back to the original way and possibly teach children our selves, preferably at home not in a â€Å"institution and the government should not really have any say so over it. I believe that yes children should be encouraged to be who they truly are and explore their minds deepest capacities; however, there should still be some stucture in their lives outside of home. They need to learn to coexist with others and their own ideas as well. I do not agree with the idea of homeschooling completely. With the economy being the way it is families have to work to provide for there families and some families are single parent homes, therefore leaving no time to instruct the children to proper way. John Taylor Gatto purpose for wring the article Against schools, was to bring to light the issue that our government is corrupting Americans from the beginning through something almost everyone supports, Our educational system. Gatto more than prospered with attainment of his point being acknowledged. I was stunned to discover that the American public school system is one designed to casts an being’s mind to be what its told to be, not what it is suppose to be or wants to be, and that is very disturbing to me. Gatto bringing the origin of the public school system to light did his work justice. On the contrast, I do not believe that the resolution is to teach children at home. In conclusion, the reality of it is: even though the system is corrupt and controlling, it has been operating for years and no one has changed it. We will never be able to subdue the government, so the best is to just make do the way we can. Works Cited 1. http://thenewamericanacademy. org/index. php/home/our-philosophy-menu/the-prussian-industrial-model. 2. Gatto, John Taylor. â€Å"Against Schools. † Rereading America. 9th ed. Ed. Gary Colombo, Robert Cullen, Bonnie Lisle. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2013. p141-150.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Depreciated Replacement Cost Valuation Approach Essay

Depreciated Replacement Cost Valuation Approach - Essay Example The comparison therefore has to be made with a hypothetical substitute" (Valuation Standards Board, 2007). This approach is one which basically estimates the overall replacement value of a company or business, and it works by analyzing the cost of its components (for instance, this would include such things as surrounding land and building itself), and the value is then calculated by adding the free value of the market itself to of the land as if vacant, to that of the reconstruction cost of the building, and then you have to subtract the depreciation that has been suffered by the company or business over the years, in comparison to that of a newer building. A depreciated replacement cost valuation approach could absolutely be used by a client in order for them to be able to freehold interest of a specialized production plant, for instance, as this approach is one which is to be used basically only where there is no active market for the asset that is being valued (such as a speciali zed production plant). ... Although in this case we are in fact talking about a specialized production plant, there is a difference, as 'specialized property' is defined as "Real property that is rarely, if ever, sold in the market, except by way of a sale of the business or entity of which it is part, due to the uniqueness arising from its specialized nature and design, its configuration, size, location, or otherwise". (Valuation Standards Board, 2007). Although this definition is rather broad, it is still basic in that it can generally be applied to all situations in this regards, and in our particular case, we can see that the depreciated replacement cost valuation approach would be very positive here. The actual results will depend greatly on the success of the specialized production plant, as the actual value of a specialized property will vary, depending on its use, and for example, "If there is no demand in the market for the use for which the property is designed than the specialized features will either be of no value of have a detrimental effect on value as they represent an encumbrance". (Valuation Standards Board, 2007). Therefore one of the most important issues here is that of the definition of use, and only after you have defined the value in use of the particular specialized production plant would you be able to properly assess the value that would be gained from going with a depreciated replacement cost valuation approach. It is important to remember here that when you are appraising a business, it is not uncommon to use real estate appraisers to value the actual and real property segment of both the business and the machinery appraisers to value the personal

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Performance Review Memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Performance Review Memo - Essay Example The different writing styles are now deeply entrenched in my writing and can be selected interchangeably depending on various course requirements. For example, most of the assignments given required that we use either APA or MLA referencing styles. Moreover, the course has helped in the acquisition and improvement of such skills as teamwork that would have otherwise not been learned. The group work helped in learning how to collaborate with other members in achieving a certain goal. The nature of the work, for instance, allowed us to divide the various aspects amongst ourselves and later compiled the work together. Group members were given the liberty to choose the areas that they felt adeptly knowledgeable therefore making the quality of the work better. In addition, and most importantly, the course has improved the ability to develop good research questions and strategies for meeting the research objectives. This ability was enhanced by the step-by-step approach employed by the lecturer. To help in the effective functioning of the group, we broke down the assignment into four parts one for each of us. Delegation of duties is one role that we highly appreciated in a bid to hasten the process of research. All the group members were helpful in achieving the set objectives. Most importantly, each of us selected the areas of the assignment that we were most conversant with. I contributed highly in the area of consumer education as a response to reducing theft of beauty products at the fresh market. Ali’s contribution in the group was most visible in the aspect of employee education as an effective tool of reducing theft of beauty products at the Fresh Market. This is an area that he is well versed in and most of his points came from real experience coupled with supporting literature review. Sara’s contribution was as important as everyone else’s and she did her job

Analyze Stereotypes in the Classroom (7) Coursework

Analyze Stereotypes in the Classroom (7) - Coursework Example One such factor is stereotyping which depicts a situation by what a set of people exhibit a strong belief on one set of roles, values, and responsibilities. According to a study performed by the University of Michigan and Harvard University, performance of children is determined by both positive and negative stereotypes. The study concluded that positive stereotypes aid performance while negative stereotypes slow down performance (Ambady, Shih, Kim & Pittinsky, 2001). The most common stereotypes among children in the United States are gender stereotypes, ethnic stereotypes and stereotypes associated with persons with disability. Children are conscious of gender, ethnic and physical differences from as early as first grade. As compared to adults, children are less flexible when it comes to understanding stereotypes (Ambady et al., 2001). Stereotypes can be triggered by Influences that knowingly or unknowingly lead to cultural biases that are based on ethnocentrism and eurocentrism. People tend to ignore the difference between cultures. Instead, they differentiate other cultures based on the study of one culture. The outcome may be consciously or unconsciously steered (Junior University, 2015). Cultural biases also have a place in learning environment. To support an anti-bias curriculum for early learners, two methods should be integrated. First, visibility regarding elements that make up for cultural identity should be embraced. For example, both pictures and text should clearly bring out different socio-cultural backgrounds such as places of worship and the way of life. Secondly, controversial topics such as those relating to discrimination and racism should openly be discussed rather than shying away from them. This will provide learners with an open mind to addressing daily life issues. Avoiding topics such as those of religious diversity not only confuses them, but also limits their exposure to reality and understanding of the world.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Rapunzel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Rapunzel - Essay Example It so happens that Rapunzal’s real mother, during her long-awaited pregnancy demands the fruit of Rapunzel plant grown in the neighboring garden. Her husband complies with the same, but is caught by the owner Dame Gothel, who frees him with the promise of handing the coming child to her. Consequently, the parents surrender to Dame, which confides the girl in a magical tower having no stairs or other source to reach. Dame herself assures her entrance to climb over the tower by holding the girl’s very long blonde hair she offers by felling the same through the window of the tower. Since the girl, named Rapunzal, is not familiar with the outer world, no one has got acquaintance with her dwelling in the tower. Somehow, a prince discovering her voice while singing, and detected the way to reach her during night hours. The both fall in love and promise to get married. However, Dame detects the affair, deprived Rapunzal of her hair and kicks her out of the tower. She also fell s the prince from the tower, and the fall deprives him of his eyesight. Both the two spent many years in wandering, and subsequently reunited with the help of the same singing voice of the girl. The prince leads her to his kingdom where they enter into marital knot and thus lead a happy life for the rest. Since the fairytale invites the curiosity of the readers for the explanation of theme and symbols involved in the story, the present paper aims to throw light on the same by applying psychoanalysis of the story. Presented by illustrious Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud, psychoanalytic theory specifically concentrates upon the erotic feelings prevailing in human mind. He not only declares sexual gratification as one of the most imperative thing in human conscious and subconscious, but also interprets every dream as the outcome of unfulfilled sexual desires. Somehow, his theory is not confined to sexual gratification only. Rather, all the actions providing mental and physical plea sures are the part of his theory. The same can be witnessed in the story under analysis, where Rapunzal’s mother forces her husband to pluck the plant from the adjacent garden for her, and the husband acts upon her instructions without taking legal and moral legitimacy of the theft on the one hand, as well as the outcome of his entering the garden without permission on the other. (1-2) The same is the case with the enchantress, which turns extremely haughty and revengeful towards him, and demands the most precious thing the couple has been waiting for the last several years i.e. their coming child. Thus, the small wish to taste the fruit of a plant that did not belonged to the couple deprives them of the beautiful child they have been waiting vey anxiously for a long time as the greatest joy their life. The enchantress’s keeping Rapunzal confined in the tower far from the eyes of the people also reflects upon the very fact that she does not allow any sharing in the lov e between her and the adopted daughter. She provides all basic necessities to the girl, but fails to comprehends with the reality that when the god Eros hurls his arrow in the heart of the individuals, it is really hard to escape its affects altogether. The same is the case with the young girl, who cannot resist the charm of love growing in her heart at her first meeting with the prince, and is captivated with the sweet words he delivers in her praise. It not only urges the wish to attain freedom from her many years long imprisonment, but also seduces her to make erotic love with the prince. Hence, carnal desires overcome the feelings for her so called mother, which forces her put her life at stake in the pursuit of physical love. Here appears the

Friday, July 26, 2019

The systematic analysis of an art work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The systematic analysis of an art work - Essay Example The Museum possesses a permanent collection of Art works of American, European, Asian and Contemporary Art. The reason behind the selection of the painting- The Young Shepherdess is that it represents the attractiveness of village life. Besides, it stands for nostalgic feeling and realism. At the museum, the work was displayed on canvas mounted on board, with high concentration on minute details of female human body. Bailey Van Hook concludes that: â€Å"Bouguereau’s subjects divide into mythological and religious subjects and peasant genre.† (Hook 32) As an exponent of Academic Painting, Bouguereau’s subject matter is vivid, ranging from mythological, religious and peasant genre. Moreover, he was with a Classical approach towards composition, form and subject matter. Bouguereau was an exponent of Academic Art, which was deeply influenced by European Universities. He made use of nature allegories to bring out the essence of his unique ideas. As a supporter of Academic Painting style, Bouguereau granted highest status to historical and mythological subjects. This uniqu e art work belongs to peasant genre because the very face of the shepherd girl reveals her innocence and truthfulness of peasant life in remote villages. Besides, the work is symbolic of hardships of peasant life. The face of the girl reveals that she is without any emotion towards life and her defensive pose shows that she is with so many household responsibilities like rearing sheep. Her bare footed state, naked neck, ears and hands expose her poverty. Moreover, the artist was famous for his lively female portraits with a slight touch of eroticism. At this point, the artist makes use of color combination for the clarity of the painting. For instance, the girl is portrayed in light colors, i.e. grey, light grey, ash color and ivory white color. Here, one can see that the lower part of the girl is painted in dark colors/shades and the upper part is painted in light colors/shades.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Quality of Life Innovations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Quality of Life Innovations - Research Paper Example In essence, the initiative means using various methods every day to help save the community and its environment. It is more of a lifestyle problem; such that whatever a person does, it works upon saving the community and the world at large by implementing a healthy lifestyle. History and effects to quality of life Global warming is the increase in the average temperatures of the world’s atmosphere and oceans. Its primary cause increases concentration of greenhouse gases produced by human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation (Newell 17-18). The effects of global warming include a rise in the sea levels and a change in precipitation patterns. Extreme weather conditions arise as outcomes of global warming. The threat to food security is the greatest impending danger attributed to global warming. In general, there are many effects of global warming. These effects are already causing significant and harmful effects on the health of people, and other worl d inhabitants, the environment, and the community at large. Global warming comes about due to human activities such as carbon pollution, where the daily human activities cause emission of carbon to the ozone layer (Pugliese 13). Such activities include burning of fuels like coal, oil and natural gas for energy, cutting and burning forests to create pastures and plantations, and poor waste management in the community, therefore, releasing carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Need for address These issues call for an immediate action. The consequences will continue to persist intensively, people in the community need education on ways to curb or reduce the causes of the subject. Global warming is challenging many economies in the world. It is raising food insecurity levels to very high pitches (Crampton 24). Weather patterns are changing, and every aspect of weather comes in its extreme condition in many parts of the world. Such aspects of the problem necessitate action from community me mbers to help curb the phenomenon. This study will assist in raising attention and ways to make the environment friendly (Pugliese 14). Global warming is a persistent issue that is affecting every community. Every person in the community has a responsibility towards curbing environmental issues. Climate change is real. The emissions of green gases to the ozone layer are because of human depleting activities. Such gases include carbon dioxide, and methane (Bevan 181-182). Even though many governments are focusing their resources on methods to curb global warming, most members of the community do not have wide knowledge or any knowledge at all on how to help in reducing global warming. Information on climate change has been posted in nearly all sources of information, and yet there appears no change in the common man’s habit or spending ability. The rate at which human activities are destroying the world has increasingly risen up calling for swifter methods to curb effects of t he issue hence, necessitating the need for re-addressing (Crampton 24-25). Policies set forth Several policies have been generated, in the world, to curb the effects of global warming. The policies also seek ways to reduce the causes of global warming and increase a healthy lifestyle on all individuals of various communities in the world. The first policy is mitigation where governments aim at

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Business & Employment Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Business & Employment Law - Essay Example The entering into contract with Fernando by Simon is not legible. In the sale that Fernando entered into had no acceptance into the contract of sales. The offer was made by Simon and accepted by one party2. The seller did not enter to the allowance of the buying by Fernando. The contract was no variation in the terms of offer. Fernando though accepted the offer that was made by Simon did not notify him so that they could agree on the terms of the sales and the services that could be offered by Simon to him after the sales. In the sales there should be intention to be legally bound. The agreement that was to occur between the two parties were not confirmed by the law due to the fact that the agreement between the two was not reviewed. The enforcement was also not done in the basis of the public policy. Simon can be made not liable for the inconveniencies that was caused to Fernando. This is due to the considerations that was not made between the two. The value was worth to the contract that could have been reached between the two but it was not reached. Consideration as an element of an agreement for sale between the two parties was not agreed that could make them being bounded by the law to take the particular exchange of the book. The exchange that was to occur between the two people also was that that could not be held for productive use in the exchange since Simon was not able to receive the mail that was sent to him by Fernando. The exchange between the two was not of like kind since the two were not of the same nature and did not come to the agreement3. Fernando included in the payment for the book other additions that were not recommended and specified by Simon in his advertisement for the sale of the book. The additional charges makes the seller of the book not liable since he did not quote them in the advertisement. The contract that the two came into was void and this makes no

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Predicatability of Stock Returns and Dividends Coursework

Predicatability of Stock Returns and Dividends - Coursework Example It requires time, patience and systematic work. Over a period of time, most investors become reasonably healthy, while some of them even succeed in becoming enormously rich. Quite often, in fact usually, they end up making more money than most speculators and gamblers. J. Paul Getty was -one such outstanding example. He became the world's richest man and accumulated a vast fortune of over U.S. $ 2 billion but it took him over fifty years of consistent and steady investing to do so. It would be useful for you to ponder over what he says: Don't misunderstand me. It is possible to make money and a great deal of money-in. the stock market. But it can't be done overnight or by haphazard buying and selling. The big profits go to the intelligent, careful and patient investor, not to the reckless and overeager speculator." (Navjot 57) In the stock market, the heart of the investment process consists of selection, timing, and price. It is all a question of selecting the right company, buying shares in it at the right time and price, and subsequently selling them at the right time and price. Success on the stock market will therefore hinge on your ability to take the right decisions with respect to selection, timing and price. However, these decisions alone will not enable you to make the amount of money you want. That will depend on the following four factors: (i) The amount of money you initially invest; (ii) The period over which the money is invested; (iii) The rate at which the invested capital appreciates in value; and (iv) The income you receive from your invested capital during this period. Therefore, to achieve investment success you should keep these four factors in mind while taking decisions on selection, timing and price. But this is not all. Successful stock market investing goes for beyond selection, timing and price. It involves the setting of personal investment objectives, formulating an investment plan and adopting a suitable investment strategy. The overall objective of every investor is to make money. To go further, it is to make of every investor is to make money. To go further, it is to make money at a rate that beats the rate of inflating. In other words, the board objective of all investment is to increase, or at

The outward journey experienced by Buddha Essay Example for Free

The outward journey experienced by Buddha Essay Outline the inward journey and the outward journey experienced by Buddha, Nicky Cruz and Lord Fenner Brockway. Explain what spirituality means to you after studying the 3 case studies. To me, spirituality is being in harmony with yourself and others around you. Its having the feeling that there are other people to care for and that we (as individuals) are small creatures in a big world. I ask myself Is that it? What is there more to life? In this essay I am going cover the various issues that appear in the paths of the Buddha, Nicky Cruz and Lord Fenner Brockway when they experienced their inward and outward journeys. Prince Sidhartha Gautama was kept away from the outside world by his father so he never saw any of the bad things that happen in life. The one time that he ventured out of the grounds he saw death, old age and illness he was confused and puzzled. Having been brought up in the lap of luxury he had never experienced these things before. He asked himself, Why are there these things? What causes this? To help answer his questions he tried many different things. He first tried the Ascetic lifestyle, which was a very simple life, but after seven years of no luck he tried another method. He sat under a tree to meditate. Suddenly it came to him; it was that everything in life changes even if we dont want it to. You have to accept these things and in result of doing so you will be happy. Sidharta discovered that life is a spiral, at the top is people, those who are good will become a Buddha. Nicky Cruz was born into an unhappy family; he was on of 18 children and was sent to New York to live with his Brother. In New York Nicky joined the Mau Mau Gang This gang were involved in fights, robberies, gang activities, murders and they were at war with the police. In July 1958 a man called David Wilkinson who was a preacher in the street, approached Nicky and told him that God loved him. Nicky had disbelief, if no one had ever loved him before then why now. He was persuaded to go to a meeting about God and Christianity. As David finished his speech, Nicky realised that his wanted to change. He was changed immediately. He went to a bible college and then went back to the Mau Maus and talked to them about Christ. He visited his family and overall became a caring, kind and thoughtful person. He set out to help others who needed it. In the end he opened his own home with help from the public, he carried on helping people and now says I buried Nicky Cruzhe is dead. Now I am alive in Christ. Lord Fenner Brockway believed that he was part of all life, that he had become one with all life and that he was in everything. His spirit, soul, personality had reached out and it effected his and became his way of life, he changed dramatically. He was sitting watching a sunset over the Irish Sea and all of a sudden he had a feeling that overwhelmed him. It left him with a great calm; he was swept up into the beauty of it he felt he was more than an individual. His purpose in life was that peace and justice become an understanding of the citizens of the world. He then became an M.P to help and support people he worked honestly and hard. In conclusion they all did much the same thing in different ways. One thing that was similar was that they all had questions that they wanted answers to and that they all went on some kind of journey to get them. The Buddha came from a very well off background and Nicky Cruz came from a terrible upbringing and Lord Fenner Brockway was a Humanist. The Buddha found his answers in his soul, from the inside, whereas Nick Cruz turned to Christ to find the answers to his questions. They all found their answers but in different situations. In my opinion, the journeys that the three of them went on are journeys which everyone experiences at some point in their lives. You do not have to turn to Christ to get your answers you can get them in different ways. Everyone asks questions, its the way that they find their answers that is different!

Monday, July 22, 2019

Support Children At Meal Time Essay Example for Free

Support Children At Meal Time Essay 1.1 Outline the nutritional requirements of a healthy diet for children and young people. Energy enables children to concentrate, learn and play at school. Starchy carbohydrates should provide the main source of energy in the diet. Sources of carbohydrates are Breads of all types, rice, pasta, noodles, potatoes, yam, oats, cassava, couscous, breakfast cereals, wheat grains like bulgar wheat, lentils, red kidney beans and black eyed beans. Good practice Whole grain varieties of bread and cereal are best as they are good sources of fibre. Non-milk extrinsic (NME) sugars Diets low in NME sugars will help to prevent tooth decay. Sources are Table sugar, jam, honey, sweetened drinks, cakes, pastries, ice cream, sweets, biscuits, confectionary and chocolate. Good practice Use less sugar in recipes, serve fruit-based or dairy-based desserts instead of cakes and biscuits which often contain lots of added sugar. Restrict access to sugar to be added to hot drinks. When choosing prepared products, check the label and choose those products lower in sugar. 4 Fat Lower fat intake can prevent weight gain. Sources of high fat are Butter, lard, margarine, fat spreads, oils or dressings such as mayonnaise. Chips and other deep fried food, potato waffles, garlic bread, pastries, cakes, biscuits, creamy puddings, meat or meat products such as pastries. Good practice Grill and bake food instead of frying. When making sandwiches, try not using any butter or spread if the filling is moist enough, if using fat spread, choose a reduced fat variety and spread thinly. When choosing prepared products, check the label and choose those products lower in fat. Saturated fat A diet low in saturated fat can prevent high cholesterol and decrease the risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. Sources of saturated fats are Butter, lard, cream, coconut oil or cream, palm oil, mayonnaise, salad cream and some margarines. Meat products such as pie’s, burgers and sausages. Also hard cheese’s such as cheddar. Cakes and biscuit’ s. Good practice Choose lower fat dairy products- Skimmed or semi skimmed milk, low fat yoghurt and reduced fat cheese. Choose lean cuts of red meat and remove the skin from chicken. For cooking use an unsaturated vegetable oil such as rapeseed oil or olive oil. Avoid adding butter or oil to food (e.g. vegetables) after cooking. When choosing prepared products check the label and choose those lower in saturated fat: FSA guidance on labelling states that 5g or more saturated fat per 100g is  Ã¢â‚¬Ëœhigh’ and 1.5g or less 100g is ‘low’. Protein is important for growth and repair of body tissues and muscles. Pupils are growing fast so protein is particularly important to them. Sources of protein include Meat, fish, milk, cheese, eggs, yoghurt, nuts and seeds, kidney beans, lentils, meat alternatives (e.g. tofu, chickpeas and cereals) These food items can be incorporated into dishes such as chicken and vegetable jambalaya, chickpea and cauliflower curry, salmon sandwiches, cauliflower cheese, nut roast, chicken casserole, omelette with ham and cheese. Good practice Including plant protein as well as animal protein on your menu will ensure that pupils are eating protein from a variety of sources. Vegetarian pupils should have adequate protein intake if they eat cereals, beans and lentils, soya products, eggs, milk and dairy products. For vegan or lactose intolerant pupils, soya, oat or rice drinks provide an alternative to milk. Be aware of nut allergies. Fibre assists bowel function and prevents problems like constipation. Sources of fibre are Brown rice, oats, wholegrain cereals, muesli, potatoes with skins, wholemeal bread, buglar wheat, lentils, chickpeas, red kidney beans, fruit and vegetables. These food items can be incorporated into dishes, such as vegetable and lentil bake, chilli con carne served with brown rice, jacket potato with beans and fruit salad. Good practice Choose wholegrain, wholemeal or brown varieties where possible. If children reject wholemeal varieties, use combinations of wholemeal and white varieties to encourage consumption. Leave skins on potatoes and add pulses and vegetables to stews and pies to add fibre. Sodium is a component of salt. Salt is needed to maintain fluid balance in the body and for nerve and muscle function. Most salt consumed is contained within processed food. Low salt can decrease the onset of high blood pressure, which may lead to conditions such as stroke, heart disease and kidney problems. Sources of sodium are Ready-made soups, sauces, gravy, processed food, some breakfast cereals, salty snacks (crisps and salted nuts), bacon, ham, sausages, pizza, cheese and condiments. Good practice Limit the amount of salt added during cooking and instead flavour with herbs and spices. Cook meals from raw ingredients rather than using manufactured products high in salt. When choosing prepared products, check the label and choose those lower in salt. FSA guidance on labelling states that 1.5g or more salt (0.6g sodium) per 100g is ‘high’ and 0.3g or less of salt (0.1g sodium) per 100g is ‘low’.  Vitamin A is important for growth and tissue repair, good eyesight and immune system. Sources of vitamin A are as follows oily fish, eggs, liver, cheese, butter, milk, yellow, red and orange coloured fruits and vegetables. Such as carrots, peppers, apricots, oranges, papaya, mango, butternut squash, sweet potato, tomatoes and dark green leafy vegetables. Good practice Serve a variety of fruit and vegetables. These food items can be incorporated into dishes like salmon fishcakes, baked sweet potato wedges, red pepper and tomato omelette, carrot and coriander soup and fruit salad. Yellow, orange and red coloured fruits and vegetables contain the most vitamin A. Vitamin C is an antioxidant which may help to protect the body from infections and illnesses. Vitamin C is needed for wound healing and the structure of blood vessels and skin vitamin c enhances iron absorption. Fruits contain vitamin c, especially citrus fruits such as oranges, limes, grapefruit, berries, kiwi fruits. Vegetables (including frozen) , especially broccoli, green and red peppers, sweet potatoes and potatoes. These food items can be incorporated into dishes, like jacket potato with salad, lemon chicken, berry smoothies, fruit salad, mixed vegetable hot pot and casserole. Good practice Raw fruit and vegetables contain the most vitamin c. Vitamin c may be lost during preparation and cooking, so prepare and cook food as close to lunch time as possible. Steam vegetables to minimise vitamin losses or cook them in a minimum volume of water. Folate is essential for blood cells and the nervous system, and prevents anaemia. Sources are liver, yeast and orange juice, green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, green beans, beetroot, chickpeas, black-eye beans, broccoli and pe as. Breakfast cereals are often fortified with folate. These can be made into dishes like pea and ham soup or spinach and potato curry. Good practice Folate may be lost during the cooking process so prepare and cook foods as close to lunch time as possible, steam vegetables to minimise loss of vitamins. Calcium Is essential for strong teeth and bones, and for muscle and nerve function as well as blood clotting. A diet containing enough calcium will decrease the risk of developing osteoporosis or brittle bones later in life. Sources are milk, cheese, yogurt and canned fish with bones (salmon, pilchards and tuna), broccoli, cabbage, dried fruits, tofu, red kidney beans, chick peas and soya beans. White and brown breads are fortified with calcium. Dishes can be made such as cheese, potato and salmon  quiche, rice pudding and custard made with milk. Good practice for people who do not drink milk, choose soya, oat, or rice drinks enriched with calcium. Use lower fat dairy products; they contain as much calcium as their full fat equivalents. Iron is needed for production of red blood cells, which carry oxygen around the body. Iron also plays an important role in maintaining a healthy immune system. Iron is especially important for teenage girls. Iron deficiency in pupils may be linked to slower intellectual development and poor behaviour in the longer term. Sources are red meat, offal (especially liver and kidney), canned fish, eggs, dark green leafy vegetables, peas, wholegrain (e.g. brown rice), nuts, seeds, red kidney beans, black-eye beans, lentils, chickpeas, dried apricots and raisins. These foods can be incorporated into dishes, for example lamb casserole, houmous, spaghetti bolognaise, Sheppard’s pie, mixed bean wrap and dried fruit compote. Breakfast cereals are often fortified with iron. Good practice Iron from animal sources is more easily absorbed by the body than plant sources, but plant sources are more important because they provide most of the iron in the diet. Consuming food high in vitamin c at the same time as food containing iron enhances iron absorption. Vegetarian dishes should regularly include a variety of lentils and peas, eggs, dark green and leafy vegetables. Zinc is used by the body for growth and tissue repair, wound healing and the immune system. Sources include red meat, offal (especially liver and kidney), eggs, fish, milk and other dairy products, cereals, red kidney beans, soya products, lentils and chickpeas. These food items can be incorporated into dishes such as cottage pie, roast pork or beef, lentil bake, brown rice and vegetarian bolognaise using soya mince. Good practice vegetarian dishes should regularly include whole grain cereals, kidney beans, eggs and milk,

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Crime: Free Will or Poor Choice?

Crime: Free Will or Poor Choice? Crime: Free Will or Poor Choice Abstract This is a social phenomenon, known as crime. Crime is known as a deviant behavior that violates existing norms, in particular, cultural standards showing how we humans should behave regarding shifting social, political, psychological, and economic conditions that have an effect on the rationalization of crime and the structural responses of the legal community, law enforcement, and correctional justifications made by Federal and State officials. The perspective theory for this is called the rational choice and deterrence perspective theory. Research has shown that there are various choices of theories that try to determine this type of deviance behavior known as crime. With all the current research information that is out there to review with their perspective responses, it still comes down to making that choice. This social problem sounds simple? Many individuals really dont know what the word crime is, there are also numerous individual who think they know what crime is and can do. However, it is one word that is hard to characterize in the English language. There were frequent debates to construct a precise classification. Will it be called an unsociable act that refuse to follow the guideline of behavior made in part by the community or have various oversights in which authorized retribution will be inflicted on that individual who has committed this act? The perspective for any of these definitions is that they relate similarly to things which society would agree is crimes. One aspect that tends to cause difficulties is the matter is that nearly every one of us thinks of crime as being the similar to evil. But this is not completely precise. There are many actions that many of us would look upon as appalling or maybe even corrupt and those would not be prohibited by law, and therefore are not called crimes. While some maybe be technically crimes, they are broken every day by good citizens, because the law does not fit the acknowledged principle of behavior. The result is that the average individual breaks the law sooner or later without evening knowing it, much less being aware of it. This is for the most part true in the older states, where ancient laws remain on the statute books for whatever reason. Crime in numerous countries is seen as an action committed in defiance of law for which that country justice system will implement a variety of punishments which will include incarceration, death, a penalty, or removal from office. These criminal activities tend to drift often in and out of the justice system and legal community, their effective shaped by public belief, tradition, or spiritual ideology. If possible, the crime should fit the punishment. However, Get help with your essay from our expert essay writers there are criminal offenses that could be described as harmful, but will not create a severe punishment as others.Crimes are put into two groups. They are called felonies and the other is called misdemeanors and some called violations. Here we must be careful of identifiable difficulties. The reason is that crimes in many states are worded differently. What may be felonies in one state may be a misdemeanors and visa versa. Many times the same offense carries both felony and misdemeanor charges. All of a sudden this seemingly simple question becomes difficult and that caution should be use in using any statements to the fact that crime is increasing or decreasing and that there is no really accurate guide to predict criminal behavior. Crime is often described as an act or commission of a criminal act that is unlawful or forbidden by public law written in statutes and held that those offenders are liable for their actions by punishment prescribed by law. These laws were put into policy to defend and make certain that we will be safe in our society and public lives. However, we still hear of crime happening within our city and state. The safety of the public becomes a concern when crime is committed since particular individuals or groups will be targeted. Although such confrontation should be avoided, many times it cannot. Consequently, public attitude and the criminals socioeconomic status will manipulate the severity of any punishment, just as society varying social attitudes influence the type of criminal activities. Durkheim (1895/1962) argued that crime is an essential characteristic of our social culture and a normal social occurrence that had been in all societies all through our history and that crimes function in the social order as a conduit of defining the confines of tolerable actions, serving as a means for social change by extending and testing those restrictions. Crime: Free Will or Poor Choice When crime is committed again by a criminal, crime rates become affected by socioeconomic and demographic changes such as age, ethnicity, and migration. Economic conditions reflected by joblessness rates, prison and jail capacities, and present law enforcement policies. For the past two decades our society has focus on the norms of the societal order of committing individuals with no understanding what so ever, the realism of life behind bars and the consequences when correctional facilities are not successful in helping those who are incarcerated in prison and for the affected communities that live every day with the consequences. Individuals change and behavior becomes complex when the offender leaves prison and when specific circumstances, like community rejection will reinforce criminogenic needs and behavior leading to criminal activities and eventually crime. More specific, there were some issues regarding the effect of imprisonment on criminals who commit crime again when release (Song Lieb, 1993). This type of social misbehaving is referred to as recidivism. These offenders, who have the likelihood to reoffend and commit crime again when released to the community, generate an important focus to those concerned with public safety in dealing with the cost effectiveness of putting convicted offenders in prison. Recidivism, in a criminal justice perspective, can be defined as the reversion of an individual back to criminal behavior after he or she has been convicted of a prior offense, sentenced, and presumably corrected. Contrary to deterrence theory, offenders who were incarcerated were significantly more likely than those who were put on probation to be arrested and charged with a new offense. The many predictors include cognitive functioning, socioeconomic status and distress factors with any known history of antisocial behavior, social achievement and cultural involvement. Its a combination of factors concerning the consequence of failures, failure of the individual to meet societys expectations and of society to provide for the individual, to a failure of the individual to stay out of trouble, a failure of the individual to be arrest free and disappointment of that individual as an inmate of a correctional institution to take advantage of correctional programs or failure of the institution to provide programs that rehabilitate and perhaps the biggest disappointment continuing in a criminal career after release. One belief is that criminal behavior is a product of cognitive, emotional, and mental deficiency has generated frequent models of offender treatment in the past few decades. In addition, the consequence of imprisonment did not influence the offenders situation concerning conformity. Regardless of the fact if they had weak or strong bonds to our society, drug and those offenders involved with drugs who were incarcerated recidivated more frequently and more rapidly than other types of offenders. Instead of aiding as an effective deterrent for offenders with stronger bonds to society, incarceration may have altered high profile offenders into low profile offenders with little to lose regarding any new arrest. Crime has become a major area of public and political debate, and is often seen as a sign of underlying problems in society related to inequality, social deprivation and social class, age, gender and race. As commonly understood, crime includes many different kinds of activities such as theft, robbery, corruption, assault, fraud, rape and murder. So the simplest way of defining it is to see it as an act or omission prohibited and punished by law. To explain crime, sociologists looked at the strains in the social structure, at the development of deviant or abnormal subcultures and at the process of social change and urban growth. For the past two decades our society has focus on the norms of the societal order of committing individuals with no understanding what so ever, the realism of life behind bars and the consequences when correctional facilities are not successful in helping those who are incarcerated in prison and for the affected communities that live every day with the consequences. This dependence continue to strain the correctional systems of the valuable limited resources of which some could be used to try and focus on rehabilitate, while working together to use treatment first, than use punish and incarceration if not successful (Travis, Solomon Waul, 2001). Another important issue legislators must remember is that correctional facilities administrators need increased resources and funding to sustain the safe operations of prisons and when offenders become eligibility for parole, treatment service to prepare them for release and to stop recidivism or that individual return to crime. Although improving overall financial support will not promise improved treatment programs and service operations, any fundamental reforms must be attempted, other wise it will never be implemented or even tried. For a number of offenders, incarceration and longer detention increase the likelihood of recidivism, while for other offenders recidivism statistics will not make a difference by more incarceration. It is probable that for some offenders, maximizing the length of sentence could minimize recidivism. However, other characteristics such as age, offense type, prior offense, and prior prison term involvement can influence the likelihood to re offend (Wheel er, 1961). Obviously, one has to ask the question what works to reduce recidivism; again, it all depends on where and how one reviews data that is available. Some answers could be found looking at the general and specific data provided regarding correctional treatment. Although major advances have been made in our understanding of offender treatment and evidence for its effectiveness exists, many critics still remain apprehensive regarding efforts to intervene in the lives of offenders. Furthermore, some doubts have developed in the offering of offender treatment, notably cognitive skill training and raise research questions about the client group, the mode of delivery, and the accuracy of the measure. Rational Choice The capability to implement individual self-control is an appropriate aspect in crime causation in situations where an individual considers and deliberates whether or not to participate in committing crime. The majority of citizens in nearly all circumstances, whether or not they participate in acts of crime is not a question of their capability to implement self-control but rather an issue of their moral principles. One individual trait, known as low self-control may be the primary individual characteristic influencing criminal behavior (Gottfredson Hirschi 1990). Low self-control is seen as a summary foundation of individual traits including impulsivity; insensitivity, risk-taking and shortsightedness have an inclination to appear together in the people that are persisting through life. Any individual difference in crime involvement varies in the extent to which individuals are vulnerable to the temptations during that moment. With the rational choice theory the focus of interest starts with the individual, either his or her interest becomes an initial point to look at. Research has shown that various supporters of the rational choice theory may possibly make to some extent, different assumptions concerning the individual and progress into different ways. It starts from the individual then on to larger social groupings and systems, but each begins with the individual as the basic component of this theory. However, it is the individuals who eventually make decision and be concerned completely with his or her own welfare. This direction possibly will be conflicting to those who accept the particular views of Durkheim (1895/1962), concerning social facts as being at the societal level, and in some ways determining individual action through norms and general consciousness. These individuals with are considered to be more susceptible to temptations because they do not consider the negative consequences of their acts (Gottfredson Hirschi, 1990: 95) and consequently are more probable to engage criminal activities. Statutes, codes and s aws are a set of laws, and crimes which violate the law are acts of rule infringement. WikstrA m (2006a) argued that a theory of crime causation may be viewed as a special case of a more general theory of moral rule breaking. Does it matter on whether the action is rational or not. We cannot assume that actions taken by others are irrational while we disagree with them. It may be that this individual taking that course of action believes it is rational. With these intention, rational choice models becomes important since they center on deliberate option between alternatives, in this example, go on with the required treatment program or deviate and risk oneself to commit recidivism then become incarcerated for that deed. Research have constantly revealed that the threat of arrest, rather than harshness of punishment is the most important deterrent and that statistics continue to illustrate a steady increase in documented crime, and many programs that focus on rehabilitation have been unsuccessful in preventing recidivism. On the justification of perceptions, an individual will plan to make a choice, either out of habit or after some deliberation, make a judgment on what to do. When an individual acts out of habit, he/she sees only one effective alternative for action and automatically without deliberation chooses this alternative. When an individual deliberates, he/she considers the moral implications of competing action alternatives and on this basis, makes a rational choice about which action if any to pursue. Familiar settings and circumstances tend to favor automatic choices based upon habit whereas unfamiliar settings or circumstances will tend to favor deliberate choices based on decisions. Because habits have only automated intent with one effective alternative, free will, rational choice, self-control and deterrence will be part of the process of choice, only if an individual deliberates over his/her action alternatives and specifically on the role of deterrence (WikstrA m, 2006 b). Crucially, when making judgment decision, individuals will vary in their ability to exercise self-control as a result of their capabilities. Consequently, the use of Rational Choice Theory must be clearly defined as a prevention and deterrent toward crime rather than punishment. The inquiry now becomes what causes in this sort of behavior. The criminal justice policies tracked throughout the past three decades depended principally on the doctrine of known deterrence theory. Gottfredson Hirschi (1990) hypothesize that each of these perspectives: irresponsible and criminal behavior may be linked by a simple common characteristic: the lack of self control. They disclose that the lack of self-control does not necessitate crime to exist and that self-control can be modified by opportunities and other restrictions (Gottfredson and Hirschi 1990). Various tests of Gottfredson and Hirschis theory sustain their calculation relating to self-control and crime, although some conclude that the theory does not illustrate sufficient variation in the affect criminal behavior. Although the absence of self-control do not call for the presence of crime, what is propose instead is the trait of self-control can be changed through a number variables. Deterrence Theory Deterrence theory suggests that crime results from a rational calculation of the costs and benefits of criminal activity. Individuals commit crimes, in other words, when the benefits outweigh the costs. Because an important cost of crime is apprehension and punishment, deterrence theorists suggest that persons will refrain from committing offenses if they perceive that they are certain to be punished, with a severe penalty and soon after the offense has been committed (Spohn, 2007). There are relatively few studies that compare recidivism rates for offenders sentenced to jail or prison with those of offenders given some alternative to incarceration typically probation. Smith and Akers (1993) compared recidivism rates for offenders in a prison diversion program to those for a matched sample of prisoners. They found that the recidivism rates of the two groups were essentially the same, regardless of whether recidivism was defined as a new arrest, a new conviction, a new sentence to jail or prison, or the length of time waiting for rearrest. Durkheim (1895/1962) explains that a weakening in the social structure will change behavior and attitudes, which might cause a person to venture into crime by making bad choices. As a result offenders become younger and involved with different crimes with many involved in major crime. If the problem is with the individual, then the treatment process should begin to modify that persons behavior.   If, however, the cause is with the social structure environment, then that structure should be required to change. If it is a social cause, then perhaps the media has influence on how an individual response by putting emphasis on unrealistic goals (Barkan, 2001). Researchers will always theorize that individuals will use rational judgment and consequently hope that their actions will in turn become a positive process. The central points of this theory is that the human being is a rational actor, rationality involves an end to means calculation, and people freely choose all behavior, both conforming and deviant, based on their rational calculations. The central element of calculation involves a cost benefit analysis: Pleasure versus Pain. Choice, with all other conditions equal, will be directed towards the maximization of individual pleasure. Alternatives restricted in the course of any awareness and understanding of probable retribution will follow an action determined to be in infringement of the social good. The state is responsible for maintaining order and preserving the common good through a system of laws that is the embodiment of the social contract and the quickness and assurance of punishment are the key elements in understanding the ability to control human behavior. There are some researches on deterrence that seems to signify that some crimes are designed to generate economic gains and that certain predatory street crime, correlate strategies for any reduction of criminal or deviant behaviors and activities. Nonetheless, when relating known criminal and deviant actions, crimes of hostility and subculture connect with durable forms of deviance and then the evidence becomes less persuasive. The deterrence theory has several components to try and convince criminals to alter their behavior. In the case of General Deterrence, individuals will participate in criminal actions despite the consequences, whether or not they fear apprehension or not. Our norms, statutes and laws, along with the appropriate enforcement try to enforce the perspective that anti-social and negative behavior will receive punishment. As a result this theory focuses on reducing the prospect of deviance in the general public. With Specific Deterrence, it focus on known individuals who deviate, then tries to keep them from repeating that specific norms or law that have been broken. The problem is what the rationales of this behavior were. However, the use of punishment as a sanction raises the hope that this behavior can be modified. In the majority of modern societies, punishment includes incarceration of that individual. There is information showing that committing crime again among convicted offenders when release from prison can climb as high as 63% (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1989). Even when using prison as a deterrence and punishment, it may not alter any future behavior. At the most, it reduces the chances for that individual to engage in other crime. Routine Activity Theory In the field of criminology, Routine activity theory is characterized as a sub theory that was developed Marcus Felson. This perspective states that crime is considered normal and depends on the opportunities that present at the time. If the target of opportunity is present and not protected, crime can take place, if the incentive has value. The basic principle of this theory is that it does not take a criminal to commit it; all it needs is an opportunity. Many crimes are petty theft and may also be called victimless crimes and are unreported to proper authorized personnel. Routine Activity Theory can also be called environmental criminology that was developed by two criminologists, Lawrence Cohen and Marcus Felson who worked on a crime prevention theory. Their research states that for a crime to happen there must be certain elements present before any crime is committed. Their model used the problem analysis triangle which focuses on three things that should be present and happens at the same time and place. There must a suitable target of opportunity available, there is no protection to prevent crime from taking place and the offender is motivated to commit deviant behavior. This model looks at crime in the offenders outlook. That individual will commit the crime if that target is appropriate and a capable protector is not present. It is the evaluation of circumstances that dictates whether a crime will happen. Another hypothesis is called the Crime Prevention Theory, was introduced by Clarke (1995, 1997), focuses on reducing available favorable crime opportunities and instead, focus on certain characteristics of criminals. Like the Rational choice theory it proposes to increase the related risks and difficulties, and reduce the rewards. It states that crime is often committed through an attractive opportunity. If thats individuals everyday routines expose that person to a stimulus for any specified time frame, the more of that consequence will be linked to that individual. Patterns in criminal activity are reflected through a concentration of opportunities for crime areas. Clarke (1995, 1997) combines the Crime Prevention Theory to Rational Choice Theory through his recommended assortment of opportunity reduction procedures. Its objective and goal was to increase the physical effort needed to execute a crime, increase the expected consequences of capture and diminish any anticipated profits of a crime and displace the excuses for conformity with the authorities (Clarke, 1997). When reviewing research data regarding the routine activity theory, the risk embraces three fundamental variables: the degree of exposure from the intended victim to the offending criminal, any environmental obstacle that will diminish the prospect for crime, and deterrent traits of the intended victim. Research has shown that Routine activity theory is frequently in studies of regarding victimization, where demographic variables vary. Brunet (2002) discuss more current research to merge and use an theoretical integration with other theories like rational choice (Clarke Felson 1993), situational crime prevention (Clark 1997) and social disorganization (Miethe Meier 1994) in developing a better explanation. Crime is not pretty. It is routine and takes place all the time. Another peerspective is that crime is somewhat unaltered by social problems. Cohen Felson (1979) endorsed and supported the assumption that because the wealth of modern society offers vast and favorable circumstances of opportunities to commit crime, the temptation is often irresistible to control. Summary The consequence of crime may possibly be traced to social and economic tribulations. Many individuals are jobless, still more are unable to fine work, and many are homeless, ill and indigent. For many of these individuals, crime becomes a tempting and quick way to acquire money. When left with these choices, many will turn to criminal activities and behavior. If these behaviors are left unpunished, the misconception is that crime pays, reinforcing criminal behavior and discouraging good behavior. How do we eradicate crime, there are numerous proposal put forward. But with greed, inadequate oversight of laws, poverty and homelessness, with poverty, drugs and racial disarray the task in can be overwhelming. Consequently, numerous of the uneducated currently find themselves without a job, existing in sub-standard accommodation in impoverished surroundings. The result is that now money becomes insufficient to support them, influencing these individuals to engage in criminal activities and end up committing crimes. Conclusion The boundary of crime in any community develops into various structures, which often influence offenders. Research has shown that crime rates are affected by socioeconomic and demographic changes such as age, ethnicity, and migration. Economic conditions reflected by various policies. Various definition of deviant behavior sees crime that violates established norms, in particular, cultural standards of principles dictating how humans should behave. This approach considers the multifaceted realities surrounding the totality and concept of crime to understand how changing social, political, psychological, and economic conditions affect the definitions of crime and the response of legal, law enforcement, and correctional actions taken by the State. As culture changes and the political environment shifts, behaviors may be criminalized or decriminalized influence by the general public. Reference: Brunet, J (2002).Discouragement of crime: An application of a reformulated routine activities theory. Western Criminology Review. Clarke, R (Ed.). (1979). Situational Crime Prevention: Successful Case Studies. Second Edition. New York: Harrow and Heston. Clarke, R. V. M.Felson (Eds)(1993). Routine Activity Theory and Rational Choice Theory. Advances in Criminological Theory, Vol 5. Cohen, L, Felson, M (1979). Social change and crime rate trends: A Routine Activity path. American Sociological Review. 44, 588-608. Barkan, S. E. (2001). Criminology: A sociological understanding. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN: 0130896438. Durkheim, Emile. (1895/1962). The Rules of Sociological Method. New York: Free Press. Gottfredson, Michael and Travis Hirschi. 1990. A General Theory of Crime. Stanford University Press. Hepburn, John R. (2005). Recidivism amid drug offenders after contact to treatment. Criminal Justice Review. 16, 237-259. Spohn, Casssia. (2007). The Deterrent Effect. Criminal Justice Policy Review. 18, 31-50. Song, L. Lieb, R. (1993). Recidivism: The effects of incarceration. Retrieved August 10, 2007 from http://www.wsipp,wa.agov/rptfiles.IncarcRecid.pdf Miethe, T, Meier, R (1994). Toward an integrated theory of offenders, victims, and situations. State University of New York Press. Travis, J., Solomon, A.J., and Waul, M. 2001. From Prison to Home: The Measurements and Results for Prisoner Return and Reentry. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute. NCJ 190429. Retrieved September 7, 2007 from Wheeler, S. (1961). Socialization in Correctional Communities. American Sociological Review. 26: pp. 697-712.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Cultural Assimilation Essay -- United States, American society, ethnic

Many people come to the United States for change. Change they think will be given to them the moment they step foot on U.S soil, which happens to be incorrect. There is a process to undergo before an individual is able to experience change. A process which occurs once they allow it to begin. Cultural assimilation is â€Å"a process by which members of an ethnic minority group lose cultural characteristics that distinguish them from the dominant cultural group or take on the cultural characteristics of another group† ( It is challenging to begin, that is why when deciding on weather or not to assimilate, â€Å"people usually weigh the benefits and costs† (Konya 2). For example, parents usually assimilate even if it â€Å"imposes very large costs for them, because they want the best for their children† (Konya 2). But, there are still ethnic groups that assimilate into American society at much lower rates than others because they refuse to until they finally decide to later in their lives. To be more specific, there is evidence to support that Mexicans in Los Angeles, CA are assimilating at lower rates than any other race: â€Å"Now, a new study lays bare what sociologists and others have long argued: Mexican immigrants are assimilating to life in the United States less successfully than other immigrants† (Schulte 1). The Madonnas of Echo Park by Brando Skyhorse portrays the terrible effects caused by the slow cultural assimilation of Mexicans in Los Angeles compared to other races. These effects such as poor income and daily struggles can be seen through Felicia Esperanza and remarks made by Freddy Blas as well as Efren Mendoza. Felicia Esperanza, a U.S born citizen was raised in a very Mexican concentrated... ...0 Nov. 2013. . Lazear, Edward P. "Mexican Immigration to the United States." Ed. George J. Borjas. Mexican Assimilation in the United States (2007): n. pag. National Bureau of Economic Research. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. . Schulte, Bret. "Mexican Immigrants Prove Slow to Fit In." US News and World Report., 15 May 2008. Web. 15 Nov. 2013. . Skyhorse, Brando. The Madonnas of Echo Park. New York: Free, 2010. Print. Teske, Raymond H.C., Jr., and Bardin H. Nelson. Acculturation and Assimilation: A Clarification 1.2 (1974): 351-67., Feb. 2013. Web. 15 Nov. 2013.

The Importance of Celtic Culture in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Ess

The Importance of Celtic Culture in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight   Ã‚  Ã‚   In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, one can discover a variety of reasons why the Green Knight is indeed green.   Some can be found in open text while others one has to search for.   There is possibly another aspect involved in the holly leaf he carries in his first appearance.   The deeper aspect of the Green Knight is how he ties into the beliefs and culture of the Celts.    The most obvious reason why the green knight is green are stated throughout his introduction.   "Fellow, and his hands were green, and his face.   And his armor, and his shirt, were green, all green...everything about him was elegant green" (line 150-55,66). Every piece of clothing that the Green Knight is in is green.   His skin color was green and he was elegantly dressed in all of it. This gigantic man was the total opposite of Arthur's Knights.   They were smaller and clean-.   The Green Knight had a manly beard to symbolize Celtic culture.   He rides in on his great green horse!   "He seemed half an ogre, a giant, but clearly the biggest creature in the world" (line 141-42). The most frightening thing any of the Knights of Camelot could ever see.   The combined aspect of being green and a giant to the knights is what makes him so frightening.    Not only the great knight is green but his horse too!   "It was carved with lovely green symbols...what it meant that a knight and his horse could have such a color, could grow as green as grass, or greener!" (lines 216 233-235).  Ã‚   Today in many cultures "different" people are always striking fear into people. He is dressed in all green with his Celtic symbols surrounding him.   If any man represented their religion to the fullest i... not worthy to fight him.   They don't have any beards and in his religion would be considered feeble and unrespectable.   He demonstrates his strength the entire scene he is talking with Arthur and his knights.    The Green Knight is the perfect representation of the Celtic culture   He is protected by his Celtic magic from the holly branch and the power of the god Cernunnos.   This enables him to be strong in his own beliefs and to challenge the Christian Knights.   The author created the Green Knight based on factors that all lead up to the perfect representation of the Celtic people.    Works Cited    "Coverage of Youth Crime Promotes Fear, Study Says."   (Online) Available   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ 1 Dec. 2001. Wood, Juliette.   The Celts   New York: Duncan Baird Publishers, 1998.   

Friday, July 19, 2019

Division of Labor According to Gender in Virginia Woolfs A Room of One

Division of Labor According to Gender in Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own Virginia Woolf, in her treatise A Room of One's Own, identified a gendered division of labor. For her, men work in the market place and make the money while the women, the upper class women at least, attend to the social pleasantries and household management. While she lamented this state of affairs, she did not present, as Gilman did, a model for existence that would allow men and women to operate on the same level. However, a direct comparison to Gilman is somewhat unfair as she was not focused on the status of women in the economy so much as the status of women as writers. Like Gilman, Woolf saw this division between a man's work and a woman's work as a socially constructed conceit. Unlike Gilman, Woolf advocated a further break between the world of men and women. Woolf saw the status of women as a socially constructed situation. She certainly does blame the patriarchy for this, however, blame also falls on the women. "At the thought of all those women working year after year and finding it hard to get two thousand pounds together...we burst out in scorn at the reprehensible poverty of our sex" (Woolf 21). It is not that Woolf pitied the situation of British women, she scorned it. She declared that women were responsible for their own "reprehensible" state (21). She lamented: "If only Mrs. Seton and her mother and her mother before her had learnt the great art of making money and had left their the use of their own sex...we might have looked a pleasant and honourable lifetime spent in the shelter of one of the liberally endowed professions" (21). The fact that it was "their fathers and their grandfathers bef... ...the broader situation of the implicit implications of the sexual divisions of labor. While certainly women in academic positions will mitigate the misogyny of Professor von X, it proposes little to change women's attitude towards making money for their own descendants. We are left to assume that a change in the intellectual elite will percolate down into the ranks of the working class. Whatever the problematic implications, Woolf called for a new era where "[women] have the habit of freedom and the courage to write exactly what [they] think" (Woolf 113). She closed her treatise on a comment pointed at the female writers of her age: "I maintain that she [Shakespeare's sister] would come if we worked for her, and that so to work, even in poverty and obscurity, is worth while" (114). References Woolf, V. A Room of One's Own. London: Harcourt, 1929. 1

Thursday, July 18, 2019

12 Angry Men by Sidney Lumet Essay

In the field of psychology and psychiatry, the trend has always been towards individual therapy. The trend in psychoanalysis has always focused in the individual that the individual role and participation in society has been deemed as secondary. However, recently the trend has been moving towards the group with consideration to an individual’s psychology having full bearing to the manner in which he interacts and participates in his society. Irvin D. Yalom has stated that there are 12 therapeutic factors involved in group psychotherapy. To be able to fully understand these concepts, a study of the movie 12 Angry Men will be analyzed in the point of view of Yalom’s factors. The movie 12 Angry Men by Sidney Lumet is about a jury of 12 men trying to decide the fate of an 18 year old boy who has been accused of murdering his own father. The whole movie takes place in the jury room where all 12 men are locked inside until such time that a unanimous verdict has been reached. The movie begins with 11 of the members of the jury voting that the child is guilty. The story then revolves on the process by which the 12th member, played by Henry Fonda, is able to change the verdict into a not guilty decision. See more:Â  The 3 Types of Satire Essay The movie becomes a perfect example of Yalom’s factors as well as group therapy as the dynamics that occur within the group slowly shows how each person’s subjective psychology and personality is brought into the interaction of the group which eventually finalizes the decision of the group. Four of Yalom’s factors are most apparent in the movie – Group Cohesiveness, Interpersonal Learning, and Catharsis and Existential factors. Group cohesiveness. There are two kinds of cohesiveness and what differentiates the two is the reason for which that group stays together. The two kinds are emotion-related and task related. Emotion-related is the kind of group cohesion founded on emotional connection and feelings members have for the other members of the group. Task-related cohesion is founded on the goals that the group has set for themselves and the achievement of these goals is what makes the group cohesive. In the case of 12 Angry Men, the only similarity that these 12 men have is that they are all members of the jury for this particular case. In the beginning, as each member enters the room, a discussion of past jury duties are discussed and this duty served as a commonality between all the members of the jury. This commonality is a superficial factor that added to the group’s cohesion. The main factor is that they all share the same goal which is to reach a verdict. The cohesion of the group is further enforced by the fact that the door is locked and the group cannot leave until such time that they all agree on the verdict without contest. The locked door forced them to become cohesive as well as the duty to decide on the fate of the 18year old boy. Interpersonal Learning. Interpersonal learning can be achieved with either an input of information, wherein people learn from the feedback that the other members in the group provide, or from an output of information wherein the environment provides an outlet where members can interact with each other openly and adaptively. Without the output Interpersonal Learning, the ability for the members to open up will be hindered and thus input interpersonal learning will be greatly limited as the people will hold their thoughts and not give the proper feedback required for the others to be able to learn from the experience. In the case of the movie, the initial environment was conducive to any of the jury members to open up. As a matter of fact, the initial environment was quite aloof to the point of hostile. The hostility burst forth as one member dissented from the majority vote. This same factor that caused the hostility, however, is the same factor that created the environment for the members of the jury to open up. Because of Henry Fonda’s character who refused to give a guilty verdict, a discussion ensued which allowed every single person in that jury to give his reasoning as to why a guilty verdict should be decided upon. With every single justification, more information is given out by the people from which the others give a reaction. This reaction serves as the feedback required for people to learn from. Within the group there are passive members who just listen instead of fully participating in the interaction. Although, they remain passive, learning is still occurring. Through the interaction of the others in the group, individuals are allowed to assess their own beliefs passively in relation to the discussion going on. This passivity was most apparent in the characters of John Fiedler (Juror #2), Edward Binns (Juror #6) and Robert Webber (Juror #12). They were not fully active in the discussion but whose decisions were based on the learning that occurred due to the interaction of the other members around them. Catharsis. Catharsis is the purging of strong emotions regarding the past or the present. There are different ways to achieve catharsis. Some express their emotions through art and literature. The most common, however, is just simply talking about it and having a good cry about the situation. In the case of a group, catharsis can occur through the constant interaction that comes into a group. In a sense, to fully achieve catharsis in a group setting, interpersonal learning is required. It is only through an environment when people are open and are allowed to give feedbacks that the opportunity to let go of strong emotions occur. In the movie, 12 Angry Men, a lot of the jurors have their own personal problems. The characters of Lee Cobb (Juror #3), Jack Klugman (Juror #6), Ed Begley (Juror #10) and George Voskovec (Juror #11) all had strong emotions rooted in their past that was brought to the fore because of the case of the 18 year old boy and the discussion to reach a verdict. Klugman, Begley and Voskovec’s issues were mainly rooted in discrimination and prejudice. Klugman had issues about slum children being discriminated as criminals when he was brought up in the slums; Begley based on his experiences, had a strong prejudice against poor people; while Voskovec’s issues deal with the fact that like the poor he is being discriminated as a foreigner/immigrant. The one who achieved the strongest catharsis was the character of Cobb has he experienced problems with his own son and was still having problems with his son. With Cobb, he was trying to get his anger towards his son out on the 18 year old boy who he found ungrateful for killing his father. He didn’t care much about the facts but cared only of exacting his revenge towards ungrateful children on the accused. With the constant deliberation as to the verdict, eventually, the truth came out and he was able to fully purge his emotions and give a rational verdict of not guilty. His breakdown was a sign of his complete catharsis regarding the matter of his son as this showed the realization of his problem as well as the release of it. Existential factors. Existential factors refer to the group’s acceptance of life responsibilities. Initially, the jury was not accepting the responsibility of deciding on the life of the 18 year old boy. They casually decided that he was guilty simply because they had better things to do. It is only Henry Fonda’s character that made them realize the gravity of their decision. He alone made them accept the group’s responsibility over the life and death of an 18 year old boy. As this was accepted, the group in earnest was able to weigh the pros and cons of the situation, re-assess the case in depth as well as analyze their selves and their own lives and make a true decision based on all these factors that affect both their life and the life of the accused boy. In conclusion, the trend in psychology is changing from individual psychoanalysis to group psychotherapy and rightly so as in the present group interaction and group dynamics can be found in almost any institution of society. Moreover, these groups have a great bearing on the lives of the people both as individuals as well as a whole society. The movie 12 Angry Men is a perfect example of the necessity of group psychotherapy as well as an example of how the therapeutic factors work in a given situation for a group. Sometimes, these factors are unconsciously done without the presence of a supervisor or counselor as witnessed in the movie. Notwithstanding, the movie has shown how important it is to have group psychotherapy as there are times where a group can decide on whether or not a person should continue living or should be punished by death.